Chapter 10 (Ginger Fringer)

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Once again thank you Die for whatever that was, so on to whatever I got from that. - Ginger Fringer

After Janus sat down in one of the armchairs, the others joined him sitting down in the surrounding chairs. The awkward silence that followed didn't last long as Janus stood up pulling Virgil out of the library. The two of them stopped for a few minutes looking at each other before Janus opened his mouth.

"Look, I know we aren't on the best terms right now but we can't tell them."

"No, we are, you already asked Logan to translate the grimoire."

"Yeah but think about the twins, this could badly hurt them."

"Ok." Janus had a small smile on his face that quickly faded as Virgil stuck his head back into the library calling the twins outside with him and Janus. "Ask them."

Janus took a breath before looking at the twins, "So, do you want Patton and Logan to know?" The twins looked at him, then at Virgil before looking at each other. A quite ok was the only answer from Roman while Remus just shrugged. "Ok." Was all Janus replied as the four of them walked back into the library to see Logan and Patton were still sitting in the armchairs, the other four sat on the armchairs that the previously occupied.

Janus sat up looking out at everyone facing him, he looked directly at Roman, Remus and Virgil before starting to explain. "Well," He stopped grabbing Virgil once again dragging him out of the library. "I can't do this." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Do you want me to start?" Janus nodded his head, Virgil sighed as he and Janus once again entered the library. When the two of them were once again seated, Virgil started.

"Ok, so, I'm a demon, Remus and Roman are Faeries that are cursed so they are also technically werewolves, Janus is a... how do I put this?" There was a short pause before he started again. "Roman, Remus, I need you to stay calm and let Janus finish what he is going to say before ether of you do anything ok?" They nodded. "Janus is a dragon witch more specifically the son of the dragon witch that cursed the two of you." The twins shot Janus a look Roman looked at him with hate while Remus looked at him with hurt but neither did anything.

"Right and being that things son means that I managed to find this in one of the rooms in my house were she used to live." He sat the grimoire on the table.

"A book." Remus paused, picking it up and opened it. "In Latin, that none of us can read."

"Correction, it's  a grimoire that has the curse and how to reverse it, Logan can translate it however, half of the page is missing."

"THEN WHY TELL US ABOUT IT IF IT IS NO USE!" Virgil flinched at Roman voice before glared grabbing his fist before it landed on Janus.

"Cause it will help, there is a book in here, it's called The Book of Shadows, it has a spell that will let us travel back in time to before the page was ripped, meaning we can get the cure." Roman calmed down, before scoffing.

"Of course your parent's would own something like that." Virgil gave Roman a small side smile.

"If you don't want help you could have just said."


"Ok, lets start looking the book has to be in here somewhere." Before anyone moved Patton spoke.

"Wait, me and Logan have something to tell you guys as well. We're humans but I'm an advance empath while Logan is telepathic." The others gave a small smile.

"Ok, lets start looking for this book, Virgil, what does the book look like?"

"It's a black book with two golden borders on the front cover at the top in the middle it's got a golden curled up dragon."

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