Chapter 1 (Die)

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Roman cried out in pain, as his arm hit the ground another jolt of pain spread throughout his nervous system. Within seconds he felt a hand oh his back, Remus, they moved to under his armpits and lifted him into a sitting position. He opened his eyes to see his P.E teacher, crouched in front him, with a concerned, albeit confused, expression on her face.

"I'll take him to him to a first-aider, Miss." said Remus

The teacher nodded and the two boys made their way out of hall.

Once they had reached they med bay Remus turned to him, "What the hell happened there? One second you were fine the next you were on the ground."

Roman glanced at Remus and shrugged "Dunno probably that damned curse again." Remus' eyes widened in shock and he opened his mouth to speak when the door opened. A flustered boy with light hair , glasses and a jumper tied around his shoulders walked in.

"Roman! What happened? Are you okay?" The boy exclaimed.

"Uh... a ball hit me and I uh.. fell?" replied Roman, not sounding so sure of his story. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure be-"

The door opened and in walked a tall boy with glasses, similar to those of the previous boy, and a striped blue tie. "What on earth is going on? This is very inconvenient Roman, I have a test next week."

"Well hello to you too Logan." retorted Roman, "And if you must ask I fell after I was hit on the head." Logan nodded.

"Anyway, where's Virgil?," Roman continued, "I would have thought good old panic at the everywhere would be the first one here to see how his best friend is." He placed a hand on his forehead and sighed dramatically, it was obvious although, that Roman truly was a tad upset that Virgil hadn't arrived yet.

The four boys were chatting, well, it was less chatting and more getting answers off of Logan for their upcoming assessments, when the first aiderwalked followed by a short boy with dark purple hair and a hoodie with hand stitched patches.

"Right, all of you, get out for the time being." said the woman, it was obvious that she didn't want to be here. The boys all left, except for the one with purple hair, he stood in a corner and tried to not to be seen.

The first aider completed her checkup, probably quicker than she should have, and told Roman he could return to class. Once she had left the room Roman glanced at the boy in the corner and grinned, "I was scared you weren't coming for a sec Virge."

Virgil scoffed but smiled back nonetheless. He walked over to Roman and hugged him. "Don't scare me like that again dumbass, well I know it's not your fault but" Virgil pulled away to look Roman in the eyes, "please try to keep out of trouble." Roman smiled and nodded, pulling Virgil back into the hug.


Janus gritted his teeth as he stared across the class at his teacher. The prick was going to do it again. A sly grin flitted across the teacher's face as he called out the register.

"Janus? Janus? Oh I guess she's not here then."

Janus raised his hand, "Oh, I am here sir, you must have forgotten that I'm a boy again."

As a soft chuckle emitted from the class, and the teacher continued with the register, Janus couldn't help but wonder how his mother could do this to him.

He was going to find her, and he was going kill her. He didn't care, he was going to end her.


So this isn't exactly my best piece of writing but as it's getting closer to Christmas I figured that I may as well finish my chapter and pass it over to the Ginger Fringer. Good luck!


CHAOSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें