Chapter 11 (Grassy Ass)

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~~So I only have a day to complete this or i lose £5 so I'm starting asap to get some what of a start. If this takes a month yet again as always I apologise~~

All of a sudden a cloud passes by, they are taken back, back in time, way before this story began, when the page was one, together again. They all opened their eyes and found themselves in a library. It looked slightly similar to Virgil's one but they could tell it wasn't his. Janus looked around and realised it was his mothers. "Okay guys look for the grimoire. It's somewhere in here and if you see anyone, don't let them see you." Janus told the group and they all split off.

It took them all a little while until they broke the silence while searching for it. Patton of course broke it not able to control himself. "Hey Logan" He whispered as he walked closer to Logan "Find anything yet?". "Hello Patton, no I haven't but I'm sure the others will find it before us." Logan whispered back, not stopping to look at Patton. "Why do you say that?" "Well only one of is us are looking" Logan chuckled to himself as Patton's eyes went wide and started looking.
Meanwhile Remus and Janus were left alone to look for it together. "So.." Janus said quietly and looks over to Remus. Remus didn't say anything. He was still broken at the fact Janus hadn't told him about the grimoire. Janus felt really bad as he noticed. "Look I'm really sorry Remus... I thought it would be worse if we told you about it, then figured out it wasn't there and I thought you and Roman would be really angry because you were depending on me and Virgil..." Janus said sadly, looking to the floor. Remus looked at Janus and sighed. "I wouldn't have gotten angry Janus... I would just be a bit bummed but at least that didn't happen, huh?" He smiled a little at Janus. The moment was ruined when Roman whispered/yelled "Guys I found it" and everyone ran over to him and Virgil. "Logan do you remember what page or something it was?" Virgil asked as Logan nodded and looked through it.

After a while, they find the page and ripping the same part of the page that's not there. "Now how do we get back?" Patton said quietly. Janus looked to the floor and said "Regard the words of which we speak, reward us with the path you seek. Rewind the clocks and hands of time, remove the chains of fate that bind. Return us to where and when, until we speak, Return again- Virgil say return and that will get us back" Virgil nodded at Janus and said "Return" as a thick fog appeared at their feet.

Yet again a cloud passed by them and they were put back to Virgil's library.

Remus grabbed the grimoire and brought it over the the group. "So this should have the rest of the page?" Patton asked. "Yea it should be. Logan you remember what page it was right?" Virgil responded, grabbing the thing and placing it in front of Logan. "Yes, thankfully" Logan said, flipping through the pages. He opened the page and looked to Roman "You have the piece right?". "Oh I gave it to Virgil after you gave me it" Roman looked at Virgil. "I gave it to Patton" he looked at Patton. This all continued until they find out Remus had put it on a shelf and "forgot" to pick it up again. "How can you forget something so important!?" Roman yelled in frustration. "Look, we can just go back. It's not going to effect anything I think" Logan said, calmly. The others looked at each other and nodded. Virgil pulled out the book and said the spell again. As he says it the cloud takes them back. They all start looking again and just as they get to it, a door opens.

~~Sooo okay turns out phobia didn't want the money so lol. Also this time it didn't take me a month so yay! Although it was getting close to being one month.... Anyway good luck phobia!!!! GA OUT~~

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