Chapter 2 (Ginger Fringer)

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I would like to apologise for this taking so long to unload this. Wattpad was not letting me on to read Die's part or write mine, however it is now working for me, so on with the chapter. Again I'm sorry.

-Ginger Fringer :)

As Roman and Virgil walked along the hall to get to their next class English. Virgil was watching Roman out of the corner of his eye it went unnoticed by Roman, however it wasn't as unnoticeable as he thought.

"Ok, what's with the look, you've been staring at me ever since we left the nurse's office, are you ok?" Virgil stopped walking turning away from Roman shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm fine, idiot your the one who was in the nurse's office." Roman smiled as he could see the embarrassment plastered across his face.

"Aww, you were worried about me." Virgil started to walk faster away from Roman, unfortunately for him Roman was faster and was walking right next to him.

"I wasn't." Roman gave a small smile.

"Ok. You weren't, got it." Virgil looked round to see the smile on Roman's face.

"Come on, we have to get to class." The rest of the walk to English was quiet.

Standing outside the school were two strange boys, as they walked in and stood at the main office. "Hi, can I help the two of you?" An older lady that worked in the office looked at the boys.

"I've to meet someone here cause my first day is tomorrow." She then turned to the other boy.

"Same." The older lady nodded she turned around to her computer.


"Emile." Spoke the first boy.

"Remy." Spoke the second. The older lady nodded.

"Ok, someone while be here shortly to show you around, please have a seat." Remy and Emile went and sat on the chairs next to the office door.

Patton, Logan and Remus had went to Maths after they had left Roman and Virgil in the nurse's office, their footsteps echoing through the empty hall rebounding off the wall.

"So, you think Roman's going be ok?"

"Yeah, I mean Virgil is still with him so if he feels worse then Vigil can come and get us."

"Yes, I agree with Patton, however we do still have class go get to and exams next week, so lets hope nothing else happens, so we can be prepared."

"Hmm." The continued to walk to Maths not giving to much thought to the guy that quickly rushed by them.

Janus left his class heading towards the main office after being called to show two new students about, he had no interest in doing so, however it was better then going to class so he continued toward the office quickly walking by three boys from his year one called Remus but he had no idea what the other boys were called. When he got to the office he saw the two boys sitting on the chairs outside the office lady noticed him before he could open his mouth.

"Ah, Janus there you are, boys this is Janus he will be showing you about the school." The two boys stood up.

"Hi, I'm Emile please to meet you." The first boy said with a smiled at Janus as the other boy stood a bit further back.

"I'm Remy." Janus just nodded to them.

"Ok, well lets start shall we." Janus started walking as Remy and Emile followed behind him. Janus stopped. "Also if you have any questions you can probably ask most people in the year they are all pretty nice, obviously you can ask me anything that you want since I'm showing you around. Just stop me at any point ok?" They nodded to Janus as he continued on walking giving them a tour as if the school found out he wasn't polite or doing what he was meant to do he could no longer get out of class, yes he found it annoying show people about but it was a great excuse that no one could question him about.

Again I want to say sorry cause of the technical issues that meant nothing could be added, however it seems to working fine now. I'm going to pass onto GA now so good luck to her cause this is probably the most confusing thing ever written and by that I mean the whole story.

-Ginger Fringer

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