Chapter 9 (Die)

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Roman looked at the large knocker on the door and shivered, being at Virgil's house gave him the heebie-jeebies. Something about the dark hallways and silent rooms. Roman pushed away his unease and knocked on the door. It swung open to reveal Virgil, a very pissed off Virgil.
"Hey V, you good?" Asked Remus, stepping forward.
Virgil flinched, "Yeah... just, come in. Janus is in the library." He glanced behind Roman and Remus and waved tentatively "Hi guys."
Patton smiled and waved but Logan remained silent, a grim look on his face.
The four boys followed Virgil down the halls until they came to the large family library. There sat Janus, searching through the shelves, he turned around when he heard their footsteps, a frown overtaking his face.
He turned to Virgil, " I thought only the twins were coming?"
Virgil shook his head,"No, they all deserve to know."
Janus just sighed, and sat down in one of the large armchairs.
Virgil exhaled, "Okay..."


Remy groaned in frustration at the equations in front of him. Why did maths have to be y'know, maths. He looked over to Emile, sitting across the table, and grinned. Remy leaned over, tapping his pencil on the paper in front of Emile, who looked up a confused frown on his face.
"What's up?" He asked, his glasses sliding slightly down his nose.
Remy smiled, "Just wondering if you could help me with my homework, I'm not the most academic."
Emile only nodded and the asked to see the question.
The two sat, working through Remy's maths homework, peacefully. However the serenity was broken when Emile stood up suddenly.
Remy raised an eyebrow, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah- I just need to go-" Emile quickly shoved his belongings into his backpack, "- like now." And with that he dashed out of the room, leaving Remy alone.

However, Remy wasn't content with Emile's exit, it felt off to him. So, as any good friend would, he followed Emile. Down the school corridors and into the woods behind the building.
Remy gaped at the destruction before him. Trees were being torn from their roots left and right. He took a step forward, and another, making his way through the soon to be destroyed forest to search for his friend. He found him, sitting in front of a large Pine tree, defiance oozing out of him. There was fear in there too. Remy could almost feel the panic that was rattling inside Emile.

Gently, so as not being more fear with him, Remy made his way to Emile. He crouched down in front of the boy, face cracking into a friendly smile.
"Hey, why'd you just disappear on me, what's wrong?"
Emile just shook his head, "Nothing, it's fine. Don't worry."
Remy rolled his eyes, "Ah yes, because suddenly rushing out of a study session to the woods wouldn't cause any concern ."
He only got a sigh in response.
"Hey," Remy said softly, "What's really going on?"
Emile looked down at his fidgeting hands, "Okay, please don't laugh, or hate me for that matter."
Confusion clouded Remy's face. "Okay?"
"I'm a dryad"
"I thought all dryads were- oh"
"You're don't think I'm weird o-or crazy?" Said Emile, finally meeting Remy's eyes.
"Nah, besides it would be ironic if I thought you were." Replied Remy nonchalantly.
"I'm a kelpie."

Okaaayyyy, I have no clue what's going on with the whole Virgil, Janus thing (and I doubt that I ever will) so I'm leaving it up to you GF to pick up the mess that I have left- sorry.
Anyway, I had no idea what I was doing when I was writing this so I apologise that it has nothing to do with what anyone has written.


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