Chapter 8 (Phobia)

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Ok, so, luckily, upon some discussions by the other three, I'm fairly certain about what's been happening... so this should make a little bit of sense at the very least.

Virgil's P.O.V.

" no..."I muttered. "You know, you'd think between us we'd be able to do something,".

"It's not our fault if the spell's half ripped out," Janus shrugged. "There's no point being good at magic if you don't have the spell in the first place. What are you looking for?".

"My family doesn't fuck around with fancy witchy magic, Jan. Maybe we have something," I explained, pulling random books off the shelves. We were at my house, searching the library for literally anything we could use - or at least, I was.

'Fancy witchy magic' " Janus snorted. "Is that what we're calling it? What about your particular brand of magic? What are we calling that?".

"Janus, do me a favour and shut the fuck up," I told him, glaring at him. I reached up to grab the next book, but the second I touched it - blinding agony. I yelped, pulling my hand back as my skin burned, almost tripping and falling into Janus.

"Are... you ok?" he raised an eyebrow. 

"Can you- ow - get that book down, please," I asked, examining the livid burn on my hand. It should have started healing, but... dammit.

"What's the matter with it?".

"I think it's been blessed or some shit...whatever, I can't touch it," I hissed. 

Janus tilted his head at me, almost looking concerned. "Are you ok?" he asked again.

"I'll live," I told him, the pain in my hand rapidly spreading to my head. No, no, not now, please... "But holy fuck, that hurt,".

"I wonder why your parents have a book like this if none of you can touch it," Janus commented, looking back down at it.

"No clue. What is it? I swear if it isn't the most important book in the world, I'm taking it outside and setting the bitch alight," I spat. That book could contain the secret to full immortality and I wouldn't give a shit about it. The pain lessened a bit. Ok, ok, that's good... I can do this, I'm ok...

"I'm... actually not sure what it is," Janus said, flicking through the pages. "But whoever created it didn't want anyone to touch it... not only has it been blessed, but the cover has iron and silver imbedded into it, and it's pretty heavily warded,".

"Then how come you can touch it?" I asked him, as if I cared.

"I believe you referred to it as 'fancy witchy magic' ," Janus smirked. "This is a witch's book,".

"What, like a grimoire?" I rolled my eyes at the satisfied smirk on his face. 

"No... not quite. I think it's a diary," Janus looked surprised.

"Why the hell would we have a witch's diary sitting in our library?" I was equally as confused. Why was a protected witch's diary sitting in our library? What was the point?

"No idea..." Janus said thoughtfully,

"Better put it back," I told him. "There's probably a reason it's there, and we probably shouldn't touch it... It's not important anyway,".

"Very well," Janus sighed and gently slid the book into place.

"Come on, this isn't helping. It's a dead end," I shrugged. My phone buzzed - Roman was calling.

"What's up?" I answered it.

"You and Janus are acting weird. Are you ok?".

"Fine," I told him shortly, then instantly regretting it.

"... Are you mad at me?" He asked quietly.

"No, of course not," I said quickly. "Actually, maybe we should talk?". In the background, Janus ran his finger across his throat, shaking his head rapidly.

"Is... Everything ok?" Roman said anxiously.

"No, Virgil!" Janus hissed.

"We all need to talk, I think," I continued, ignoring Janus.

"Uh... Ok? When do you want to meet?". Quickly, we arranged a meeting at my house. "You want the others here?".

"Please," I asked, pacing up and down, completely ignoring Janus' frantic gesturing.

"Ok, well... I've got to go," Roman said hesitantly. "See you later,".

"Bye," I hung up.

"What are you doing?" Janus stared at him.

"Look, we promised them, when we first found out, that we'd help them, right? I'm sticking to that. Come on, we owe them," I  reminded him lightly.

"You promised them. I didn't promise them shit. And what if they find out about -"

"I don't care," I shrugged.

"And I don't care about the fact they turn into vicious animals every time Mother Moon shows her face, so now we have a problem, don't we?".

"What do you mean, you don't care?".

"I mean, I don't care. From their point of view anyway - it mildly inconveniences me, so I'll attempt to help them-".

" 'Mildly inconveniences' you?".

Janus paused, watching me cautiously. "At the end of the day, Virgil, they are faeries. They can burn in the depths of hell for all I care.  As far as I'm concerned, their parents deserved it,".

" 'Deserved it'?" I asked slowly and quietly. "No-one deserves that, Janus,".

"They deserve far, far worse, after what their parents did," Janus scoffed. "If anything, they deserve to be trapped like that-".

"No one deserves that!" I snapped. "You have no idea what it's like, Janus, no fucking clue, so don't even fucking dare-".

"Yes, because you know what it's like," Janus rolled his eyes. "As if someone would ever dare curse a-".

"I know what it's like, far more than you do!".

Shut up shut up shut up-

"Oh? Enlighten me then. What's it like?" Janus asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.

I hesitated, then turned and stormed out of the room.


Enjoy, Die :) I didn't incluse much about the previous few chapters considering we a have a fair idea of whats happening thanks to GF, also GA didn't give me that much, not that I mind THAT much.

-Phobia x

P.S. Idfk what's happening but I have a whole idea thing for V so yea talk to you in - let's face it, either Bio or Chemistry - and tell you the random shit my brain has spewed :)

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