Prologue (Phobia)

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Looks like I'm going first. Yay :')

-Phobia x

It was a stormy night. The full moon was out, not that it could be seen. The streets were empty, everyone having ran for cover already, desperately trying to avoid the downpour and battering rain.

All except one person.

She walked quickly, almost silently. Her face was hidden by a dark hood, the rest of her skin completely covered by the cloak she wore. If you got close enough, you might wonder about the paleness of her skin, or the fact that she walked, despite quickly and quietly, with a slight limp, as though in pain. And if you were to get even closer - which you wouldn't - you may noticed glowing yellow eyes, or sharp fangs hidden behind her stunning dark red lips. Anyone who got that close, however, would never see anything again. Dragon Witches notoriously weren't very forgiving.

That's why, on this stormy day, this particular Dragon Witch, by the name of Deidre, was making her way to a certain house just beyond the town, beside a gloomy forest.

Deidre had one mission.

She was going to make them pay.


They didn't mean it.

They didn't do it on purpose.

But regardless.

They did it.

And they would learn their lesson.

An eye for an eye, so to speak.

A pair of eyes.

Or twins.


The stench of smoke filled the air. It was the most beautiful thing she's ever smelt. 

The smell of revenge.


All fair in love and war, so they say.

Lesson learned.

Deidre walked slowly away, feeling only the slightest twinge of guilt.

The twins weren't dead, of course. No, that was far too easy. The parents would grieve for the rest of their pathetic lives. 

Too easy.

This way, the parents got to watch their darling offspring grow old. 

And suffer every fucking step of the way.

And if the parents didn't survive?

Oh well.

Deidre felt a slight twinge of guilt at dragging the twins into it - they were only 5, after all. They'd done nothing wrong.

But then again, neither had her son.


You know what's good about prologes? They can be as long or as short as you want them to be, so long as you grab the readers attention properly.

Have fun, Die :)


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