Chapter 13 (Die)

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I love not knowing what is happening in my own stories.


"No." The group stared at Remus. "There has to be another way."

"There isn't, you heard what was in the letter, the same as the rest of us. Unless you want to be cursed for the rest of your life, it needs to end with Janus." said Logan, he wasn't harsh. He sounded removed, almost as if he didn't want his feelings to be a part of the conversation. 

Remus scowled at his friends. "So what you're saying is that Janus has to fucking die for Roman and I to be normal again. Not a fucking chance." 

"Wait." Roman reached for the letter. "It only says that the curse is in Janus now, not that we have to kill him to end it." he turned to Janus. "Your mother tried to reverse it, she didn't know how, but that means that there's a way, right? Without the death of the witch." 

The group sat in stunned silence. They hadn't thought about that. Deidre had known there was a  way to do it. A way to lift a curse. She'd tried to undo the hurt that she caused.  Only, it hadn't worked, something must've gone wrong. 

"There's always a consequence to magic. Even if we managed to find a way to reverse it, there would be consequences." Janus sat down and closed his eyes.  "It might not matter if I don't have to die for the curse to be broken, the backlash of the magic could kill me anyway."

"Don't say that." Remus crouched down in front of Janus, taking hold of his hand. "We don't know what would happen. We don't even know if there's a way to break it."

"Then let's start looking." said Patton, walking towards the door of the library. "But first we need, to recharge. Let's go home for today and talk about this tomorrow." 

As Roman was leaving the room, following the others, he felt a hand wrap around his arm. He turned to see Virgil, who was staring up at him intently. 

"What's up?" asked Roman. 

"Are you okay?" asked Virgil in return, letting go of Roman's arm and backing away slightly. 

Roman shrugged. "I mean, yeah, I knew it wouldn't be easy to break the curse bu-"

"No." Virgil cut him off, "It was a full moon the other day, I was wondering if everything went well. You have a couple scratches on your arms." A red flush crawled up Virgil's neck and ears. 

Roman grinned, teasingly. "Awwww are you worried about me. How cute." He took a step toward the blushing boy.

"Shut up, dickhead." Virgil pushed Roman away. 

Roman laughed, pulling Virgil closer to him again. He took Virgil's hand in his own. "Don't worry J. D-lightful, I'm fine." 


"I'm fine too, by the way."

The pair turned to the door to see Remus, grinning. "Thanks for asking V, it's glad to see that you truly care about both of us."

Virgil flushed again and removed his hand from Roman's.

"You guys should use that pose for your prom photos." taunted Remus.

Roman glanced at Virgil, "Excuse me, I'm going to have a chat with my brother." And with that, the twins ran out the library, insulting each other as they went. 

Virgil smiled to himself, it was a surprise the two of them had survived so long. He moved to one of the armchairs by the fireplace, settling into the squishiness of the cushions. His mind traveled back to the time he had a family, when he was happy and easy-going. Back when he didn't have any responsibilities. That changed in an instant though. Virgil squeezed his eyes shut as the memories came flooding back. The blood. The perpetually open, but never seeing eyes of his parents. The man and woman that came to him, told him that was going to be okay, that his hurting would be gone soon. His new parents. They were kind. His mum taught him everything he needed to know how to survive in a world full of humans and creatures. His dad, however, taught him the more important lessons of surviving within the world of other demons. 

He didn't understand his powers at all when he was a child. Hell, he barely understood them now, but he knew he could help his friends. Virgil had already lost one of his families, he wasn't about to lose another. He didn't care what it took. Janus and the twins had been with him every step of the way, he wasn't about to let some stupid unbreakable curse take that away from him. So, he did something that he had been warned against since he was turned. 

He went into his dad's study. 



I actually finished it. I was scared that I wouldn't. 

I hope this gives GF something to work with, so good luck!


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