🌥️~ 9 ~⛅

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"Who the fuck are you?"

Since Paris was the new servant for the Monarchs, they got a room of their own in the Palace. Louis had knocked obnoxiously on Liam's door again to tell him that he was Harry's servant now. Apparently, the two had never talked before, as the Monarchs always told Niall whenever Harry was needed, not Liam.

"I'm Liam, your new servant. Niall is serving Louis now, and Paris is serving the Monarchs," Liam explains with a smile.

Louis is in awe of how nice Liam is, even when he knows that he has to serve a complete jerk.

Harry sighs as if his entire life has been ruined. "I suppose that's fine. A warning would've been nice."

"Right, okay. You two should spend your hour together now, since we're all already here," Liam decided.

"If you're my servant now, that means you have to follow my orders. And I don't recall giving you permission to speak," Harry says to Liam.

Louis almost goes to slap Harry again, but Liam puts an arm in front of him to hold him back.

"The Monarchs told me that I have to do basic things like cooking for you, but I can still live my own life. So, you can't tell me whether or not I can talk, because I'm talking regardless," Liam smiles.

Harry huffs. "You two are dismissed. I have some questions for Lewis here."

"It's Louis," Louis glares at Harry as Niall and Liam leave the room.

"And my name is Prince Harry, yet you only seem to call me Harold," Harry retorts.

"I'll call you Harry, but I'm sure as hell not addressing you as Prince," Louis rolls his eyes.

Harry sighs, "I guess that's fine. Either way, we have more important things to talk about. Why were you so protective of my servant? You two don't even know each other."

Louis looks at Harry in disbelief. Is he serious?

"You were treating him like shit. I couldn't do nothing," Louis almost yells.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Of course you could've done nothing. You could have just accepted that that's how things are, and not went to my parents. Yet you chose to 'help' him or whatever."

Harry puts air quotes around 'help', and it makes Louis want to punch him.

He doesn't.

"I chose to help him because I'm actually a decent human being," Louis scoffs.

"Are you saying I'm not?" Harry scowls.

"Is that a serious question!? Of course you're not a decent human being! You were going to lock someone in a Dark Room for 24 hours without food!" Louis yells.

Harry looks down, scowling at his hands. Neither of them talk after that.

The rest of the hour is spent in uncomfortable silence. The two boys glare at each other from time to time, going around the room and doing random things to try to annoy each other.

"I hate him."

"Louis, you've said that at least 10 times now," Niall sighs.

Louis and Niall are spending time with each other, to get to know each other better. Somehow, getting to know each other turned into Louis ranting about Harry.

"I'll make it 100. I just hate him so much. How could he think it's perfectly fine to treat someone like that?"

Niall sighs. He decides to just keep quiet, letting Louis talk his heart out.

Louis rants for a few more minutes, then let's out a long sigh.

"He noticed that I'm not sleeping with him. He said I was scared to sleep with Royalty," Louis rolls his eyes, "so I think I'm gonna sleep with him tonight to prove him wrong."

"Okay," is Niall's response.

"I just-" sigh "- I get nightmares every so often. I didn't get them when I slept over at Liam's, because they're not a daily thing, but I'm bound to get them at some point."


"And I don't want Prince better-than-you to see me in a weak state like that."


Louis sighs again.



"Can I have a hug?"

Niall wordlessly wraps his arms around Louis.

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