9. Club

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I woke up to my alarm screaming at me

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I woke up to my alarm screaming at me. I groanded and checked my messages.

Have fun at your mission!!

I seen Avery text me.

Fuck off.

My common response. I love it.

Guess what!


I convinced your Dad to let me and Jayden be partners!!

Have fun babes.

I left the last text. I got ready and went downstairs.

"Heyyy, excited for the mission?" Valerie asked, watching me walk down the stairs.

I sat down by her in the living room.

"Not at all," I said plainly. She laughed and looked back at her phone.

We both heard footsteps and turned towards the stairs. It was Jayden.

"So you and Avery huh?" I asked, smirking.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I laughed and patted the seat beside me. I wanted to know what happened besides of what Avery told me.

He sat on the chair across from me.

"Tell me everything!" I exclaimed.

"Me too!" Val shouted, throwing her phone down on the couch.

"Oh well, uh she came in my room," He said.

I raised my eyebrows. This man wasn't really going to stop here. I moved my hand and it faced him.

"Go on," I said, annoyed.

"She sat on my love sac and I sat next to her?"

I widened my eyes. Physical touch already?

"We talked for a while, with lots of laughs," He said. He sounded like a grandma, "Lots of laughs."

"3 hours went by and she said she had to go home. I looked at her and asked her on a date to a restaurant. She said yes and I drove her to the cafe," He said, shrugging.

"What happened on the car ride there?" Valerie asked him, her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

I slouched back on the chair, still interested but my body ached.

"We just talked and I told her I'll pick her up by 7 tonight, since we are going on the mission together."

"You better kiss her on the first date," I demanded, jokingly.

"Were not even dating," He tried to say.

"We can totally tell you guys like each other," Valerie added on, supporting me.

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