1:1 Path to the Unknown Part I

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Fleet Admirals Office
Picon Fleet Station, Picon

18 months before the Fall, 2 weeks before mission launch.

"Are you sure Nagala, that this is the right man for the mission?" Fleet Admiral Torres asked, "Because once he's chosen there is no going back, and the mission starts in two weeks."

"I know him quite well Richard, there's nothing to worry about with him," Admiral Nagala replied confidently.

Admiral Torres looked through the window to watch Picon and its beautiful colors beneath him.

"You know we can't withhold this forever, and actually I think Adar may have some information about the mission," Admiral Torres said worriedly.

"Even if they found something out, it would not be enough to compromise this mission," Admiral Nagala said, taking a glass of ambrosia that Torres put in front of him and then added, "you know as well as I do that Adar is a fool. He doesn't want to see the truth of what's happening past the armistice line: he refuses to believe the Cylons are up to something. He is ignoring the intelligence that we presented to him about the Cylons weapon testing," Admiral Nagala said.

"Nukes don't fall by themselves. The fact is, he is a stubborn man and he refuses to believe it's possible the Cylons are planning a return in the worst sort of way. He will find out about the mission eventually, and until then we need to prepare in the best interest of the colonies regardless," Admiral Torres said determinedly. "Do all the personnel know where they going and what they will do?" Admiral Torres asked.

"The civilian pioneers and a majority of the military personnel for the mission know everything they need to and are ready to get going. Only Commander Mark Stryker doesn't know anything about it right now," Admiral Nagala replied.

"Alright then, go and give command of the Atlantis to Commander Stryker. I've seen his record and I think he will be fine, and I trust your judgment. Also, don't forget to give him all he will need to complete this mission," Admiral Torres said.

"Yes sir!" Admiral Nagala said, saluted, and left Admiral Torres to himself as he went to the flight deck.

Picon Shipyards
Starboard Hangar Deck
Battlestar Atlantis


2 Weeks before launch

"Ah, I see you made it in one piece Commander Stryker, good," Admiral Nagala said to Stryker as he exited the raptor. "I assume you know why you are being moved to the Atlantis from the Triton," Nagala stated.

"The only thing that I've been told sir is that this is a very important mission for the colonies," Commander Stryker replied, "and I was surprised when Admiral Richardson gave me a promotion sir!"

"Let's go to C.I.C, I will tell you all you will need to know," Admiral Nagala said and they started walking toward the nearest door that would lead them to C.I.C.

"You see Commander," Nagala started, "for some time now, we've believed that the Cylons will be returning, but not with open arms."

"Cylons returning?" Commander Stryker said, stopping to look at Nagala with disbelief, "you say the Cylons will return but how, when?"

"Nobody knows, but I have a hunch that it will be soon, very soon. That's why this mission is so important," Admiral Nagala said.

"Battlestar Pleiades picked up some unusual readings from Cylon space, and other ships' sensors detected several nuclear explosions in Cylon space," Admiral Nagala said to the now shocked Commander Styker.

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