Chapter 11

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Song is Holding Out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler.

Evan's POV

When I finally came to, I realized I was chained to a chair. Whoever had taken me had a light shining in my face, so I couldn't see anything.

"So this is the great Vanoss," a voice said off to my right, "Figured you'd look a lot more aggressive without your mask on."

"Why am I here?"

"Ooo straight to business, I like it," the voice chuckled, "We're interested in what you know."

I scoffed, "About what? How to be an asshole?"

"No, about the Resistance. You were close to them before they left, correct?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

A fist flew out from the light and hit the right side of my jaw and snapped my head to the left. I gritted my teeth and moved back to where I was. If this guy really thought I was going to tell him anything, he was severely mistaken. I might have been horrible to them, but I wouldn't let anyone else touch them. Not again.

"We know that you were close with them, so this can go one of two ways: you tell us what you know, and we let you go without any more damage, or I continue to hit you every time you refuse to answer until I eventually kill you."

I snorted, "Might as well kill me now then instead of wasting your time and energy. I don't know anything other than their names that were revealed last year."

I heard a grunt from where the voice was, "I doubt you would be saying that if you knew we had your precious Delirious."

I kept my body relaxed, but was a bit more attentive, "You're lying. He's at home where I left him."

I really hoped he was actually with Brock and them, but I couldn't know for sure. They might actually have him, but even then, Jon wouldn't want me to say anything, even if it was to protect him.

"Are you sure about that?"

A blue hoodie was tossed at my feet. That actually made me pause. Jon never went anywhere without his hoodie. It was a wonder it had taken the Resistance so long to figure out who we were, honestly. But this one was one of Jon's old ones. Once they got so ratty, I made him stop wearing them out of the house and got a new one for him. This meant that they had been in our house, though, and that pissed me off.

"Looks like you're a group of thieves to me. Or creepers, since you dug in his closet to find that."

There was more grumbling, then another fist to the face. At least they were alternating sides.

"You'll talk eventually, we might just have to up the pain. Deeter, go get the jumper cables."

"Yes, sir."

I heard a door open and close and laid my head back, this was going to be a long day. All I knew was that no matter what they did I wouldn't talk, my friends deserved that much from me for everything else I've done.

Brock's POV

About an hour had passed, but we were all finally sitting in a conference room at Fuccboi Inc. Brian had been able to get the tracking information onto a tablet, so we were able to see if they moved Evan at all. So far, he was still in the building next door.

"Why are we still here? We know where he is, let's just go get him!" Tyler complained.

"Is this how you guys normally run things? You just charge in all headstrong and just hope for the best? It's no wonder we've kicked your asses so many times," Scott muttered to himself.

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