Chapter 14

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I just don't have a song for this lol. 

Brock's POV

It had been 6 months since they had rescued Evan and all gotten back together. We were all lounging around the house after some training when everyone started to grumble about being hungry. I rose from where I had been laying on a couch with my head in Brian's lap while he read on his phone. He liked to keep up with the news as much as possible.

"If someone wants to order pizza, I'll go into town and pick it up. I haven't had a chance to ride in a while, and it's a beautiful day," I said. Brian glanced at me, asking with his eyes if he could come with me. I just shook my head, I wanted to get away from everyone for a little bit. While it was great to be all back together, it was nice to get away sometimes for alone time. I mean, we did live in a house full of guys, so me time wasn't frequent. He nodded and went back to checking the news.

"I got it," Jaren said from his spot on John's lap. Evan, Jon, Scott, and Marcel hadn't come out to the living room after training, so they were either still cleaning up or were spending couples time together. I heard Jaren calling for pizza while I went to find my keys and helmet, letting the others know that food had been ordered. When I got back to the living room, Jaren told me that the order had been placed at our favorite place and that it would be about 20 minutes. I nodded, then kissed Brian by before heading out to my bike in the garage.

I revved it a few times before peeling out and down the winding mountain roads. I loved being on my bike. It was similar to gliding around on my ice, but I felt like everyone else doing this. There was nothing hanging over my head when I was on it. No known expectations, no time crunch, no threat. I was free. I had taken Brian with me on quite a few rides, and he loved it too. He thought it made me even more of a badass. I always laughed when he said that because I knew he was just talking about the shell I had put up around myself to protect me. I had let my emotions control me too many times, so now when I became Moo, I put up that barrier and closed everything out. I hated having to do that some days, but if it kept my team and me safe, then it's what I would do.

I pulled up in front of Silvero's a few minutes early and sat on my bike, looking through random things on my phone. There was a van across the street from me that had pulled up at the same time I had, but I didn't think much of it. Just a weird coincidence, like a huge amount of things in this city, I told myself. Before I went into the store, I glanced at the van again, an odd feeling nagging at the back of my brain like I was being watched. Shaking my head, I continued inside and grabbed our pizzas. We were frequent flyers at this place, so I stayed and talked to the owner for a few minutes before heading back out to my bike. When I got out the door, I saw a couple of guys checking out my bike.

"Can I help you?" I asked, not liking them being that close to it.

"Maybe?" The one said, glancing at the other. He looked scared for some reason.

"You can, actually. We're here for you, not your bike."

I backed up a little, not sure how to take that, "What do you mean here for me?"

"Take a guess," a voice from behind me says as a damp cloth comes down over my face. I start to flail, throwing the pizzas at the two by my bike and trying to hit the guy behind me. I got out of his arms before the chloroform started to take over my system. I managed to shoot some ice at the guy with the cloth, encasing his feet, before I fell to my knees. The last thing I do is press the switch on my bracelet that will alert the guys to me being in trouble as everything goes black.

Jaren's POV

After Brock left, we started a Mario Kart tournament. Brian was in the lead like normal, but he also seemed like he was distracted. He kept glancing at the clock, even though he knew it would take time for Brock to get back. All of us tended to be a bit concerned whenever someone went out on their own, but Brian was worse about it with Brock.

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