[ Devilish Plan ]

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It has been almost 4months since Taehyung and Hoseok break up.

Hoseok was working on himself, he goes to therapy once a week, does his job, and sometimes hangs out with Yoongi and yoongi's friends.

Hoseok was eating breakfast with Yoongi, talk after talk then Yoongi asked him:" how are you actually feeling after your break up?" Hoseok paused before responding:" I cried almost every night before I sleep but since i'm distracted I feel okay, i'm not over him, I would never be, that's why I wanna work on myself so I can get a chance with him again."
Yoongi eyes widen:" wait... You still wanna be with him? Didn't you say that he might have a new boyfriend?" Hoseok replied:" yeah, he has I stalked his new boyfriend's social media, he is in his late thirties and work at a kindergarten I don't know how exactly they met but that's all I gathered."

Yoongi was too stunned to speak, then he asked him one more time:" why are you sure that Taehyung will give you another chance?"
Hoseok took a sip of his coffee:" I know what Taehyung likes and dislikes, he is into me so much I bet he still fantasies about me during steamy times."

Yoongi:" are you saying that you will seduce him to win him over?"

Hoseok:" Taehyung loves me as a person before my body, But I let him down many times and hurt him as a partner, so first I will seduce him and second gain his trust again, this is my last chance I will do my best for us to be together, If it doesn't work then I will give up on him."

The next morning, Hoseok was in the company doing his job as he should then his supervisor asked him to take the documents to Taehyung so he can sign them on, since he was promoted he became the chief of all sections and has his own office as well.

Hoseok took a deep breath before knocking on the door, when he was let in, he found other coworkers there before him, Taehyung acted so professionally around Hoseok, as if they never dated or had a past, when he finished with them and they left, Hoseok handed him the papers:" they don't need review just sign them up."

Taehyung nodded and did as he was told:" here " he handed him the papers back, hoseok thanked him and left.

The next morning was... The start of Hoseok's devilish plan to get Taehyung back.

He wore the tightest suit he own, he is naturally skinny and almost everything looks baggy on him but not this suit, his ass area was about to rip off, everyone was looking at him shyly both men and women, he looked seductive.

Their supervisor wanted to give the documents to get singed by Taehyung to another coworker, but Hoseok was quick:" I finished my reports, I will take them!!" He responded:" Oh I thought you will be bothered if I asked you every time! " Hoseok smiled and shook his head:" it's nothing. "

He entered Taehyung's office and luckily no one was there, Taehyung's eyes slowly widen up, Hoseok:" Morning, I think these need a quick review before you sign them up." He moved his eyesight from Hoseok's thighs and crotch area to Hoseok face, he felt himself blushing, he cleared his throat:" sure."

After doing his job, he handed the papers to him and when he was about to leave, Taehyung called him:" Hoseok, wait! "

Hoseok smirked before turning around and playing oblivious:" what? Did I forget something?"

Taehyung:" isn't the suit too tight on you, I think you are uncomfortable no?"

Hoseok sighed and came back again near the desk:" I do ahhh, i'm so embarrassed, all my suits got bleach stain cause of my dumb Roommate and I couldn't find any suit that fit me except this one, everyone is giving me weird gazes." He was  spitting lie after lie and acted sadly and everything.

Anguish Love [ Vhope ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora