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Third Persons pov.

The celebration of the newly formed country fastly spread through the streets. The men decided to follow her with her staates. The Russian Empire actually knew some of the kingdoms as they had existed already for a bit next to his borders but suprisingly they seemed to enjoy each others company, rather than go at each others throats as they normally did. Sweden had gotten a small flower crown from a girl while Britain held his one in his hands. R.E and France hadnt gotten one as they were more seen down upon by the people there but other than France ,R.E couldn't care less about their opinion onto himself. Soon they arrived at the impressive castle and the normal people weren't allowed to get in anymore. The next day the people were allowed to step into the large halls and gift the queen the presents they had or just to be blessed by her hands. But for the countries, tonight would be the ball and celebration for it. As the four countries arrived the mysterious woman had already dissappeared, as their crests stopped with the carrige in front of the castle. Three boys, seemily triplets stood there as they stopped "Good day gentelmen" They greeted at the same time. Two of them went to unload the carrige while the Third stood there "Only one room is left for you four to stay in as more guests arrived than expected, still the queen has held one of the rooms free for you. Here is the key to the room 4 that has been asigned to you. She was sure you still would arrive, also when late" He added before finally getting onto the carrige to drive it away to the parking area, the crests again dissapeared as fogs into the countries soulstones. All four walked into the building until a large door stood in their faces "I don't know if I really want to continue walking" The Swedish Empire mumbled glancing over at the others. "At least you got something for a woman..."Britain replied in a deep, very unusual for him nervous voice. R.E just kept his facade up of the calm man and opened the doors to the hall. It was loud and already smelled slightly after liquor but what caught their eyes instandly was the beautiful kingdom on her throne. There she sat, in an uniform like a man would have worn while she was caresing the head of an giant eagle which had its head laid onto her lap. The huge animal looked exactly like her crest which fastly lead to the understanding that this was indeed her crest animal. A small part in R.E now as well got nervous and exited at the same time, he himself had an eagle crest and right now, it wanted nothing more than to just meet the other one.

Soon the woman on the throne saw them and lowered her head a bit to welcome them with a now rather soft smile. The men in return bowed down and walked to the seated Prussia "I knew you were gonna make it, also when late" She snickered a bit. The male countries of course redend a bit at her remark of being to late but only France really expressed him embarrassement with a whimper " S-Sorry Ma'am" He chirped "Its fine really, I am just really glad that all of you acctually came. It means a lot to me" "We are glad as well to be part of this celebration tonight" Britain said, sideglancing his friends for a moment with a polite smile and looking then back at her "We have bought gifts" France said with his usual so happily and still slightly funny tone "Oh? You really didn't need to..."She mumbled her wings flapping a bit. Sweden and R.E couldn't other than just stare at her wordlessly. The wings and her uniform were magnificent together and let the multiple smaller amber necklaces and her earrings stand out really well.

France just wanted to finally bring it behind himself and handed her the chloth where the food was warped into "Here your majesty" He mumbled with a small hopefull smile that she would like it. Carefully she pushed her crest of her lap so she could open the present which the animal respected but still stared interested over her shoulder. As the chloth fell onto her lap a suprised and happy smiled crossed her lips "French whine and Cheese? Who has told you that I like both of these? They are so rare to get here." The french man could have fainted at her words in relive while Britain started to sweat. It was embarrassing how he had brought a gift for an man and not an woman but oh well, now it was to late "Thank you France." She said taking it to her side and standing up, walking over to him and hugging him. A gesture no one of the men had expected. France on the other hand just froze and blushed slightly before trying to hug her back patting her back embarrassed "You are welcome Madame" After she let go Sweden handed her his gift. It was warped in leather and secured by a metal ring and a metal pin, as Sweden still was mostly into his old traditions. As Prussia opened it she let out a suprised gasp and took out the soft fur before holding it up so her crest could test it as well. Sweden only chuckled as the bird seemily really enjoyed the soft material and instandly took it out of her hands laying it over itself "You overgrown chicken! Give that back" She protested and negan walking to the large bird. While France was already laughting his heart out, Sweden only could bit his lip to not start laughting as well "That bird seems to have manners as the USA has" R.E teased Britain about his son. Soon after Prussia returned with an slightly annoyed face "I am really sorry Sweden, but that chicken over there doesnt want to return what it has stolen" She said while hugging him as well" Eh, its fine. That gift was for you and now your crest has I so I guess I only gets approved by hi- them?" He seemed slightly confused over its gender "Its a she don't worry... she is just sometimes a bit bossy" As they partened Britain walked up to her with his head down

"Forgive me....I didn't expect you to be exactly a woman....All I have is one of the finest swords my blacksmiths can make..." He said in embarrassed as he held the in a blue chloth warped sword "O-Oh Britain dont worry. I may be a woman but surely I am a warrior for my country" She took the gift and hugged him beforehand already before taking the chloth of and inspecting the sword including the swords scabbard. R.E took his hand onto Britains shoulder as he seemed like he could faint every second. She took the sword onto her belt onto her left as her own sword was already at the right side "Its truly a beautiful piece of art. I will make sure it gets an special place" She said

Britain sighed in relive as she complimented his gift so much. He turned to R.E and laid his head against his shoulder only to realize that R.E didn't even brought a gift "Y-You don't have a gift?" He mumbled up to the taller one "I don't need one" The russian mumbled with a smile before walking up to Prussia with a grin, who stood up from the throne with an amused smile "Meine Königin
"(My queen) He said with his broken but still more than charming german, bending down. "Мой царь"She replied in an almost perfect russian lowering her head. R.E just stared at her for a bit before deeply hugging her "Its been a while." "A while " She replied.

"Huhhhhh" Came from France as not only he was confused. Prussia let go as she saw their confusion." Well I know R.E already for some time now." Britain just looked at him before furrowing his eyebrow "YOU KNEW HER ALL ALONG?!" R.E just nodded in an calm but slightly proud manner. Prussia turned herself to him again "Still you have no gift...again..."She mumbled with a grin "I have one, princess" "Oh and which one may I ask?" " 11 часов, сегодня вечером, в саду" He said knowing she would understand him, before walking back to his friends. Prussia only chuckled and nodded "Oh and you all may take a seat already next to me. Dinner will start soon "

The men nodded and sat down on a large table that was next to the table where Prussia would seemily sit. The other male countries started to bomb R.E with questions but all did was ignore them. His eyes were entirely fixed onto the woman in black.

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