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Third persons pov.

It was already evening as Britain and R.E sat in their room on a small table, multible wooden boardgames sitting on the table as well as laying on the floor. It had started to rain just before a few hours and it just wouldn't end. The water kept running down the windows and making loud nosies. R.E himself felt a little uneasy as the volume of the rain was very unknown to him. He was rather used to the quiet and cold atmosphere within his country. Prussia on the other hand hadnt been seen since they had talked on the hallway. It concerned both men and they wanted to ask a staff member during the dinner if she wouldn't be there. A knock interrupted their game of chess and both raised their heads torwards the door. "Yes?" Britain asked. "Dinner is ready, I will escort you to the dinning hall." The voice of a young woman answered. Both stood up, leaving the chess board as it was to finish the session in the evening and walked to the door, opening it and stepping out. The maiden looked very young. Around 16 but still very nice and happy. "You two must be the Russian Empire and the British Empire, my majesty has told us much about you in advance." She said after bowing. " She wont be joining you two for dinner tonight though. Now please follow me." She chirped and started to walk away, folloed by the two men.

"Uhm execuse me but why cant she join us?" "Oh Frau (Mrs.) Hohenzollern is sleeping...she hasnt gotten much sleep in the past few days." "Frow- ho-henso-lern?" Britain tried to ask but his english kept him from getting the german pronounciation right. "Yes?....Its her name. You didnt really think her name was only and alone Prussia or Kingdom of Prussia, did you?...Its actually Viktoria Maria Hohenzollern. Personifizierung von Preußen (Personification of Prussia). She prefers us to call her like a human and not a country...." The young maid explains. Both men looked at each other but deciced to not ask any further as they had reached the dinning hall. The tabels were rearranged but only two places were set. They really were eating alone that evening.

As they sat down the maiden left for the kitchen and so Britain and R.E were alone, staring at each other in silence. "Soooo.....uhm-...Urg this is akward" R.E mumbled. Britain nodded and looked around the room. "Werent black flowers on the walls before?" "Oh yes....you are right...It cant be that they have been taken down already again..." "Hmnnn I dont know but R.E?" The russian looked back at him." Yes?" "How do you two know each other?" R.E stayed silent for a bit until he sighed.

"Well we met each other at a for boys only school ironically...As we met we were both around 17 but she had been on the school since age 14. I was there since the age of 7....I dont know if I remember it correctly anymore but she came there because her father wanted her to attend a school but since she was a woman it was incredibly difficult to send her anywhere where countries could be schooled, so instead she came to my school. She was very different back then, not like today."

"How different?" "Necklong hair, two tiny wings which were just starting to grow, no eyepatch....basically just extremly pure. Well that was the one time I saw her on a hallway when she had just come here. I didnt see her for the next 3-4 years but well...Prussia sadly had changed a lot in that time. While monks were rough with us, both nuns and monks were very rough with her. She had to meet the expecations of a man as a woman...France knows her from there as well. Their first meeting wasnt the nicest tho." R.E said while laughting a bit at the memory. " Oh?" Britain raised and eyebrow." What do you mean by that?" "We met as she was supposed to fight a group of 2 of us to see her progress...France hit her wing and well, he did regret as she out of reflext hit him away with the wing out of shock....He fell right into mud." Now Britain laughed as well. He never really had much business with the french man accept a few conflicts and that just fueled his low expectations of the french. "Ah lovely. A shame I wasnt there to see it."

Both once again got interrupted as the door opened and three maids with trays came to them and laid plates full of food down. Britain stared at R.E and had to supress his laughter with whide eyes. It was so much, they never could eat it all. Right as they were to leave they asked a maid about a few dishes and what they even were. Clearly both hadnt seen a Roulade or other things. As they were then left alone both discussed on what to try first just to see each others reaction to it. In the end Britains prediction that it was to much clearly was right. Most plates werent even half empty. Both deciced to not over eat themselves as it would have probably bad conzequenses. The maidens brang away the dishes and both men stood up to leave.

On their way back to their room they talked about the place, sometimes stopping at some paintings to look at them. In one was a woman with the armour of a knight, holding a small child in her arms. Her expression was cold, but the child in her arms seemed somehow safe in the arms of the knights. "Strange..." Britain said, R.E only nodding at what he saw.

At that point the sun had already set long ago and both were somewhat tired. So they went to the bathhouse, washed themself, changed and went to bed. While Britain was asleep within half an hour, R.E laid there, turning around again and again but he just couldn't sleep.

R.Es pov.

Its not the bed! But why cant I sleep? Once again I turned torwards my bedside table and picked up my watch, i carefully drew a small halo around my head, its glow helping me to read the time. 01:12 am already!? I cried out in my mind and sat up. Maybe I just needed something to drink? I reached over to the cup of water and drank a bit but I didnt feel like it had helped me in any way accept my dry throat. Slowly and tired I stood up and walked to the door. My nightgown waved a bit around as I quietly opened the door and snuk out. The entire palace laid within silence and darkness. I drew a second halo around my head and a third one, their glow leading me through the seemily endless halls until i was where my feet had dragged me. Prussias bedroom chamber. I tried pushing down the handle but only to realize the door was locked. I sighed and tried again just to make sure I wasnt dreaming or imaginating things. Urrrgg who locks their door at night? I grumbled quietly and turned around, walking back to our bedroom and entering quietly again. For a moment I just stood there, not knowing what I was doing until I saw Britain peacefully sleeping on his side.

I grapped my halos and let them dissapear into a kind of fireflies which for a few moments flew around the room until their glowing dissapeared entirely. I then carefully made my way over to Britains bed and laid down behind him. Either I was lonly or just very tired but anyway I carefully hugged him around his chest and snuggeled into his back. I know its wrong but I cant deny it, he is really soft and comfortable like that. For a few moments I just laid there until his hand started to rub mine. I felt my face heating up and he soon turned around, probably expecting Prussia and not me, judging by the squeak that left him as he saw me. Understandably he moved away from me and stared at me confused. "WhatAreYouDoingHere?-" He squealed out. "Dunno...." I answered half asleep. We just looked at each other for a while until he crawled back into my hug and got comfortable again. "Dont scare me ever again like that....Come then already to me when I am awake and not asleep..." He murred. I thout it was somewhat sweet so i just covered us both within my wings and the blanket. "Nobody needs to ever know from this right?" I felt him nodding his head."Yea...Nobody needs to know..." And so we nuzzeled very close to each other and fell asleep asleep within a few minutes. I would do this again one day. He is very comfortable.

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