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3. Persons pov.

It was the first time in months that Prussia was excited for something again. It felt like being a little child, knowing you would be going on a trip in a few hours or that your birthday would be in a bit. She couldn't hide the fact that her tail was swinging around in excitement as she laid in bed, waiting for midnight to come, for the castle to go to sleep as well. She stared at the ceiling, waiting and waiting until after an unknown amount of time in silence, her ears could hear the distant sound of church bells. Not once,twice or thrice, no four times the bells rang, indicating it was midnight.

Excited as never she quietly made her way out of the bed, her nails didnt ruin the parquet anymore as she had cut them in the afternoon. Carefully she grapped the book with gloves and put it down in the middle of the room, having sneaked in a bowl of blood, candels and a knife. Carefully she took off the gloves, staring at the book laying there. With a deep breath she put her hand onto the cover, the needle like pain instandly rushing up her palm yet she didnt pull away, letting it continue until it faided. With another deep breath, she opened it, finding not old germanic runes within as expected but old german. Confusion and panic made their way into her face as Prussia had trouble even reading the words, yet they seemed familiar. Slowly but surely she found out what certain symbols meant and which letters they represented. This wasnt runes or anything but an entire own alphabetical system. Her tail flung around as she sat there on the ground reading slowly through the first page, not being able to even speak such high, old and complex german:

"Jeder welche dieses Buch lese, sei ein Verfluchter. Eine Bissbildung Mutter Naturs. Aber können wir unsere Neubegierde nicht bei uns behalten, sondern müssen erfahren was nicht zu Erfahren vermag zu sein.
So sei es.
Jener wer dieses Buch des Wissen nun aber zu lesen vermag, muss aber wissen welche außerordentliche Gefahren das Wissen verbirgt. Leben und Tod melieren ineinander und werden unvermeidbar und untrennbar.

So sei gewarnt, lese weiter und riskire, was du nicht zu riskiren wusstest."

(Everyone who reads this book is a curse. A bite from Mother Nature. But can we not keep our curiosity to ourselves, but must experience what cannot be experienced. So be it. However, anyone who is now able to read this book of knowledge must know what extraordinary dangers the knowledge hides. Life and death blend into each other and become inevitable and inseparable. So be warned, read on and risk what you didn't know how to risk)

Prussia paused but then sighed. "Ich habe nichts zu verlieren außer mein Leben. Ich bin bereit...."(I do not have anything to lose accept my life. I am ready)

And with that the coal black hands wandered over the pergament page, flapping it to be met with empty pages. Her eyes narrowed before she found a text written on top in red ink.

"Wissen macht frei, doch die Freiheit hat ein Preis, wisse was du weißt und lese nicht nur weiß. Die Sagen der Buchstaben mahnen deine Farben.
So sage was du weißt, es ist ein Preis den du nicht zu sagen aber zu fühlen weißt."

(Knowledge makes you free, but freedom has a price, know what you know and don't just read white. The legends of the letters admonish your colors. So say what you know, it's a price you can't say but feel.( its a german rhyme I made up)

She looked through the rest of the pages but nothing. The text was all it had to say. A frustrated sigh left her, ready to throw the book, her eyes wandered to the knife placed over the book. Carefully Prussia picked up the rich decorated dagger. It was especially made for rituals of this kind and one of the last remains of her mother. She gripped the handle and pulled it out of its scabbard. The blade showed a nice metal pattern, looking as if it was out of this world.

She moved her sleve up, staring at her arm. Bitting her teeth she cut her arm open, trying not to scream in agony as to not wake up anybody or arouse suspicion. The blood, instead of dropping to the ground, flew in fine strings to the book. It looked like dark black hair yet Prussia couldn't tell what happend until she began to float, turning upside down with her hands palm placed on the book. She felt her blood being sucked into the book yet she didnt resist, closing her eyes instead to focus on the book itself. After what felt like an eternity she dropped to the ground, head first. As she landed, Prussia noticed how weak she felt from it, her last bits of magic hid within her body as not to lose the magic. Weakly, she managed to sit up again, looking at the book it was filled now with rich decorated, written in pages. Sometimes even pictures were drawn, explenations everywhere. She began to just scroll through the pages but it wouldn't end, pages kept appearing out of nowhere. After a while she again flipped back, almost wanting to rest now but after all, she had to test if it worked so she just took the first spell in the book there was, named:
Under it stood
Erinnerung einer Person, Blut, Aufopferung"
(Ingredients, memories of a person, blood,sacrifice)

Prussia took the bowl of blood and drew as the book described onto her feet, taking off her nightdress as well, she began to draw the many symbols onto her body, feeling how the blood dried on her skin felt strange yet she kept going until she was done. With a sense of readyness she began reading the spell from the book.

"Mein Körper soll sich teilen und weilen, bis die Teile meinen sich müssten wieder erscheinen. Meine Seele soll erhalten auf was sie keime und ein neuer Körper soll erscheinen."
(My body should divide and linger until the parts think they should reappear. My soul shall receive on what it germinates and a new body shall appear.)

With that, Prussia felt her whole body beginning to burn yet it suddenly stopped, she looked around and felt nothing. Didnt it work? She didnt know and so Prussia turned only to groan. Nothing was different. She stood up and began to walk around her room, trying to think of what she did wrong until she looked back into the book. No it was all there stood, next to it a drawing of a forest with small blue flames within.

All this frustration made her boil inside so she just took the book and closed it, hiding it with the invisibility spell and placing it high onto a closet where nobody would look or reach. It was all thanks to her wings. She looked around, washing the blood off with a small bowl of water in the bathroom and soon went back to her bed, putting some bandages around her arm first. She laid down and stared up at the ceiling. Why did I fail, why didnt it work? All these questions flew around in her head until a blue shine caught her attention. Fastly the woman sat up, staring at the figure standing at the door but all she met was...? Quietly she got out of bed again and walked torwards the figure, looking at it curious. It was taller than she was, from the shape she judged it was a male. He looked down at her, before making a sudden move torwards her, making Prussia fly backwards onto her bed as she fastly grabbed a sword. "Who are you?!" She quietly yelled yet the figure only came closer, its movements were calm, comming closer and closer until two large wings opened, flying onto the bed as well while the figure pushed down the sword. Prussia backed away until she hit the headboard, the figure following until it stood mere centimeters away from her, his face close to hers. Prussia felt uncomfortable, knowing her whole body was exposed yet all the figure did was stare, until cold fingers ran along her hips to her waist. She jolted a little at the touch yet the figures other hand held already her waist on the other side. Right as she was about to protest, cold, yet soft lips pressed against hers, leaving her in shock as she felt goosebumps forming on her skin yet as she opened her eyes, it all suddenly was gone. She breathed heavily, confused about what just happened but Prussia figured to just leave it be and finally go to bed. She would find out another day what had happened that night or maybe never. Who knows? It didnt matter after all.

Hehehehe this was a very fast update yet I enjoyed very much writting this one. Especially the german rhymes.
Anyways imma just. Skidaddle the duck out of here and get some stuff done. Thank you for reading ^^

The Tales Of Prussia(Countryhumans story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя