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Third persons pov.

Britain rubbed his forehead a bit before he sat down to smoke finally his cigarette. All this stress and the alcohol started to affect him, didnt it? For sure he felt like it was tingeling his senses in dense smoke, unable to be seen through. Or was is just his affection and attention starved soul? He had to admit any way that the simple thought of the lady in black, quiet made his heart and stomach warm up. She was, generous to say in a way. Giving him the sweet taste of love or whatever it was. Britain quiet liked the addicting and at the same time healing feeling of it. After lighting up his pipe, he took a deep breath and let the smoke disolve into the air, forming strange forms until it flew away. He felt cold, rain was able to be smelled within the air next to the smoke. He deciced to not sit any longer in the pavillon and instead extinguished the pipe, stuffing it back into his pocket after cleaning it and heading inside. He still had to forfill Prussias wish to see R.E and so Britain walked up to their shared room. Where else should R.E have gone?

As he arrived he found the room still being englightened by a candle on a desk, next to the Swedish Empire writting something down in what appeared to be a diary of some kind. Not wanting to bother the Swedish he instead moved to one of the beds, looking carefully under the sheets only to find France sleeping all curled up. A soft voice ripped Britain in the end out of his search "If you search R.E....He is already on his way to her. We saw you two in pavillon and he started to fell guilty..." Sweden muttered, his eyes still fixed upon the paper he was writting on. Without another word Britain just hummed in a somewhat thankfull tone and left the room as quietly as he had entered it, making his way to the bedchamber of the queen. He had to ask here and there where her room was but once he stood before the slightly larger doors, he felt uncertain of what to do so after taking a deep breath he carefully nocked onto the doors and waited for a response. "Come in please" The voice of a woman replied. He smiled to himself and entered, almost squeezing himself through the door as he didnt want to fully open it, neither to display what was happening inside to the entire outer world but all he found was both sitting at a tea table and drinking tea.

He bowed down a little but Prussia only waved her hand down in a sign to ask him to sit down "There is no need for such formalities when not around others, dear Britain" R.E meanwhile smiled calmly at the british, taking a sip and after that lowering the cup again down. "We two have already talked so, R.E if you have anything else to say its now" She said. R.E understood what she meant but shook his head and drank the last bit of his tea "Again, I am sorry for my behaviour but I do wish you a good night Prussia" He said,carefully hugging her before leaving the room. This confused Britain but he just looked after R.e before turning to Prussia. "So why am I still here?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Well I dont think that I should sleep alone on such a important day of mine. A little company as a reward doesnt harm anybody, does it?" She said, turning over to one of the large windows of the room "Its your decision Britain, but be assured that this could be your only chance" The mans eyes whidened at her words. Did he understood right what she meant? Was she really inviting him to sleep with her? He was quiet unsure but again the butterflies in his stomach rose.

He carefully approached her from behind and moved his arms around her waist while holding her close and laying his head upon her shoulder. "I would take his offer with great pleasure....Allow me to go to my room and change, I will be back" Prussia nodded and turned her head slightly, kissing his lower jaw with an soft expression "I will be waiting here" She answered before he did let her go again and hurried out of the room, not wanting to waste any time

Britains Pov.

Oh bloody hell. I was surely as red as an cherry but I couldnt lose my sanity now, no. I walked back to the shared room of the four of us and sat down on my bed, taking out my silk pyjamas and taking off my uniform. "Oh why in such a hurry to get changed, Britain? Tired or what?" R.E asked "Oh... No. I wont be spending the night alone" I replied in a quiet tone, hoping R.E would ignore it but instead Sweden swung the chair around and looked at me with an half open mouth "No way.....Is it her?" I just hid my face in my hands and nodded "Good lord Jesus...." R.E muttered "You are a lucky one" Sweden added to that" Stop it!" I quietly yelled, as not to wake up France "This is non of your business. Now if you would execuse me." I grapped a robe and wraped it around myself before leaving the room. The two of them seemed awefully interested in her as well, but I cant blame them. She is truly a beautiful woman. And so i made my way torwads her room and opened the door as soon as i reached it. She expected me so why should I knock and wake up half of the palast. Well the next second I learned why knocking always was a good idea.

Third Persons pov

Britain just stood there in both shock and admiration. Prussia stood there almost entirely nacked if it wouldn't have been for her undergarnish and a black corset she seemed to struggel with. Her wings were raised so she could reach her back and the strings of it. Many scars littered her back espcially 2 large ones under her second pair of wings. As well did a large white tattoo decorate the black, smooth-looking skin. Instandly he closed his eyes and wanted to leave again but she was faster to see him "Britain!? Since when are you here!? Learn how to knock!?" Embarrassed she tryed to cover herself with her wings but at the end, she called him back inside.

"You already saw me now....So it shouldn't be a problem to help me get this stupid corset of me should it?" The british man kept quiet and nodded before he approached her. She carefully held onto her desk as he one by one removed the pressure on the strings and losened the piece of chlothing up. He knew not much about womans chlothing but for sure he knew now that these corsets were probably very painfully, especially with that kind of preassure onto the waist. He questioned the fashion for such things. Prussia looked amazing as well with a normal and not very thin waist. Her waist was like very others one as well and still she looked admirable. Britain thought it pronounced her strenght more than her femininity.

"You know Prussia....I'd like it more to see you without that thing on your waist...It makes you look like someone you arent, you are not the typical woman. Now I can see that beautiful stomach of yours" He murred, carefully going down onto his knees to give it a soft kiss. She on then other hand just blushed badly and looked away. "Enough of your jokes" She said, walking soon over to her closet and getting out an simple white night dress. "I am not joking Prussia... Your muscles and scars fit to you and your personality. Maybe still a woman but for sure one of the greatest warriors on earth" Britain said. Again hugging her, but this time kissing her neck "Ignore what others say or wants. All that matters is who you are" He hummed while taking the white dress and helping her take it on while she looked outside. Carefully he took her chin and made her look at him, her gaze soon drifting again off Britain again, to his displeasure "Look at me" Prussia raised her eyes up at him "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and you always will be "

The british man soon pulled her by her hands to the bed and took off the robe he had on "Now how about you finally get your well deserved rest?" Britain asked while he was laying down in the bed. Prussia nodded and followed him, laying her head down onto his chest and snuggeling up to him. Though they had a few problems with her wings and the blanket, at the end she pulled up the middle of the blanket with her tail up and Britain did the edges.

Inbetween all the soft pillows and feathers he caressed her head and hair with a gratefull smile while she slept. This truly was beautiful. Oh how he would have regretted it if he would have declined her offer. It didnt took to long and soon he as well fell asleep. After all, who could resist such a comfortable and nice atmospere?

I am sorry for the long break but i just had to take some time off writting. Had a huge block and school didnt help. Some things have happend irl as well so it still isnt quiet easy for me, but now i am again motivated and I have a proper storyline for this story

The Tales Of Prussia(Countryhumans story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora