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Third persons pov.

R.E continued to stroke over her head as before, humming slowly as they watched the sky" Hmn..." She hummed. Prussia was tired. Not only because of the night but the day and the day before had been long as well. To that the 2 hour long flight with R.E before didnt make it any better.

Soon she fell asleep in the Russians arms, all curled up with her wings covering her already cold body. On the other hand the Russian Empire started to panic. He had joked around with her for long but this was different. She was sleeping ON him. R.E, who was raised without even a mother ,clearly wasnt used to having a female around himself as he looked down at her cluelessly, not knowing what to do. Only the noise of footsteps brought him back to reality as he saw the Swedish Empire behind him, approaching the two

"Швеция...( Sweden...)" He mumbled in his mother language with a scared and confused tone "Help me..." He whined as Sweden carefully approached looking at the situation "I-Is that-" "Yes its her....Now help me get her off please!" R.E whisper yelled. "This is for sure a sin..." Sweden looked at her and carefully moved one of his arms under her waist and then one under her knees carefully lifting her up "Get out get out get out get out" He said over and over again as R.E escaped. Sweden then laid her down again and looked at his friend "And what are we gonna do now?Bring her inside?" "W-Wha...No no no no. We cant do that. They will ask us why we found her sleeping. They will think we like... deflowered her or something like that. She has large wings and they will keep her warm...." "Are you sure?...." "I am sure she will be found without us seeming like rapists of whatever..." Sweden just nodded and took two coins out to put onto her closed eyes"If she dies-" "-She wont die..." R.E replied before stroking the hair out of her face and walking then fastly away with the guilty feeling Sweden.
Later in the night Britain walked out into the garden to smoke and get out of the drunken mess inside. Many had gone home again while others like France had gone to sleep. The alcohol really wasnt the french mans friend but he had to admit that some of Prussias liquors really even burned his throat, but he hadnt seen her for the past 3 hours. He guessed that she had taken someone as her companion to bed or just tryed to avoid everybody, which seemed pretty strange after she had been so happy with everybody before. He shrugged at the thought and walked further into the garden, choosing a bench but soon realizing that there was cold and slightly wet moss on it. He continued to walk around the large garden, trying to find a comfty spot to smoke in peace and think about the evening. Eventually he found a good looking bench in a pavilion. It was dark so he took a match and lit it up, to reveal the feather ball Prussia on a bench.

He fastly looked after a lantern, which he found right next to her and lit it up before lifting the woman into his lap, holding her close to check her temperature and everything else. "Lady Prussia....Kingdom of Prussia....Wake up" He muttered trying to wake up the entirely cold woman. After a while she woke up and simply snuggeled at him, not even realizing into who she was snuggeling "Hmnnn....I dont want to R.E..." Britain of course entirely taken off guard by this, simply raised an brow and looked at her" Uhm.... pardon me my Lady but I am surely not R.E....Its me, Britain" Prussias brain first had to procceed this for a while before she jumped up and stared at him with her wings wide open "WH-WHAT WERE YOU DOING!?" She asked with terror in her voice. " Uhm execuse this situation my queen, but I have seen you here, laying all alone in the cold so I thought it would be the best to wake you up. I guess after the person you asumed me to be, they left."Prussia just rubbed her bridge of her (nonexistence) nose and groaned "He surely got weak knees as I fell asleep....Would you be so nice and search him and then come together with him to my room. One of the servants surely will lead you there, just say I allowed it, ok?" Britain nodded with a soft smile and stood up as well, fixed his hat "Of course my lady....Oh and....I have a short question" Prussia was about to leave but she turned around to him with a questioning expression "Go on" "Uhm....Are you two, Like R.E and you, your majesty something?" Prussia simply laughed and shrugged "I never knew if it was something or not. I guess we are just very close friends....Why are you asking? Jealous or what?" Britain Was quiet surpised by this answer but soon started to get flustered "Uh-Uh no-no no nonno, j-just w-wondering" He stambeled out of his mouth, obviously nervous and overasked by that question "Its ok.....But just so you know, I am able to be found in my room if you should change your mind" And with that she turned her head again and walked back to the castle.

Britain couldn't other than to just stare after her. It really had been quiet some time since he had seen a woman like her. Strong additute, beautiful and still strong and independ. He admired her for having so many sides, it fascinated him, to put it that way but he continued to look after her until she dissappeared behind some door.

"Oh lord....That woman is twisting my head already into directions..." He just mumbled out with a reddend face.
R.E got an heart attack from a woman falling asleep halfway on him
And britain is a simp/j
Great 👍

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