The Salvo

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The city of Vacuo slowly moved up, massive ships took flight as troopers armed themselves. Along the border of the city, wide trenches dug into the grounds with spikes and what looks like anti tank and anti infantry stops. Professor Theodore Swan steps forward along a massive wall between Vacuo and the desert that the city calls home. His blue cape blows in the wind as three BIC security ships fly past him and move up north towards Examinmum Fields and Fort Frollo. He pulls up his red gloves and slaps them against his arms, glaring out across the barren sea.

He turns around as Sienna Clayton steps forward to him. He glances back to her.

Sienna: We're ready. All ships broadcasting.

Theodore: Good. Let's being.

Theodore steps back as Sienna hands him a microphone. He takes a deep breath and leaned forward to speak into the microphone.

Theodore: Ladies and Gentlemen. Today is the day of reckoning. We march on the bastards that have threaten our homes. Our families. Our lives! These bastards have continued to threaten our lives and will continue to do so until we put these beasts down once and for all! So we must strike back!

Different bullheads take off, flying out towards the territory. One lone bullhead is much farther than the rest, completely isolated.

Theodore: I know the task is daunting. I myself have dreaded this action. But if we are to survive, then there is no other choice than to advance onto our enemy.

As the above is spoken, it shows Leia Burns and Llew Glas are piloting the bullhead. Pan through the ship to show Ember Ignis and Eadwulf Fenrir sharpening their blades, May Fumi and Ing Pugno arming their guns and Violet Eclairage, looking out across the open desert. She glares a little and continues to look out.

Theodore: As we lead our bravest warriors out into the fronts, I can only beg and pray that you give them your full support. For they are not just fighting for their own survival, not just ours but the planet's! Our friends from Vale and Mistral have joined with us today to ensure that we will not be defeated!

As the above is spoken, the interior of a different bullhead is shown. This time, it is filled with Team SSMR and WIOW. Solomon Noir loads his cannon and cocks it, stepping up and getting ready for combat. Olive Pine leans against a door beside him as Widow mediates across from her Atlesian counterparts. Other members of the teams ready themselves.

Theodore: It is on this day, here in Vacuo, that we repeat our history once more! Not against the forces of Mantle or Mistral, not bowing to the king, but where we strike against a witch! Where we strike against a false god! Where we make our stand here! At the edge of history!

As the above is spoken, Mason Ignis and Evie Ignis are seen at the bridge of a massive cruiser. Some small, Mistralian looking ships fly by with March and April Fumi on one of them. Members of the Wolf Tribe and the crew of the Bluejay ride with them.

Theodore: It is on this day! That we stand and fight! As Remnant!!

Theodore raises his fists in front of a group of soldiers. They cheer. From the city streets, countless civilians cheer as well. Apatite Eclairage is sitting in his own with Blue and Nero Eclairage at his sides. Apatite nods a little as he sits back.


Inside their bullhead, Leia presses a few buttons and sits back in her seat.

Leia: Message came in loud and clear. Comms are still up. Heading is same as it was. We're still good to go.

Violet: Then pull us up. We need to get to our insertion point. Don't want to give him any hints.

Team FLME Volume 9Where stories live. Discover now