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"Brynley," said the black one with a jokesters smile.

"Toril," said the short one with dull green eyes.

"Zyn," said the quiet one with the translucent skin.

I nodded at each of them, connecting their faces to their names. Story came up next to me and stared at them with me.

The black one is kind of cute, Story snickered.

"No he's not," I retorted instantly, then I thought about it. "Okay, maybe a little," I giggled.

The boys narrowed their eyes at us - or rather just me - and I could see Kian's glare sharpen.

"This is Story," I stated, setting my palm on Story's cheek.

"Hey Story," laughed Brynley, his smile widening.

He talked to me! Story screeched. Hi Brynley! I winced as Story's squeal ricochet off the walls in my head as she bobbed her head up and down ridiculously.

Stop squealing, I yelled at her angrily. He can't hear you!

Well tell him I said hi, ordered Story.

"Alright," I howled, exasperated. I turned back to face the boys, whom wore concerned looks on their faces, and sighed. "Story says hi, Brynley."

"Oh," Brynley said quietly, the concern on his face replaced with confusion.

"Happy now?" I asked Story.

Yes, she giggled happily as she whinnied and tossed her large head up and down.

"Alright," I sighed as I clapped my hands together. "Now that we are past that awkwardness, shall we go?"


We rode for a few hours, covering a lot of ground even though we didn't move very fast. Which Story complained about annoyingly often. The trees thickened and the path narrowed the further we ventured into the Schiff forest.

Soon, we were trotting lightly in a single file line. The prince took the lead with the silver eyed, bearded man close behind. Then the black man with the directions trotted in between me and the captain. Behind me followed the pale one then the runt of the group was the last person.

Kian called to stop just before the sun ceased piercing through the trees and finally crept below the horizon. Blood orange spattered across the sky and hues of red and purple mixed and swirled as they would on the canvas of a painting. The world was starting the fall asleep as the sun slid away to hide for the night.

We all hopped off our horses and then pulled off the path and past the tree line. The others proceeded to tie their horses to the trees, but I began to undress Story. I took out her bit and harness; I loosened the straps and slid the saddle off her and onto a log on the ground. Laying the saddle bags next to the saddle, I pulled out a canteen and bowl and poured some water in it and held it up for Story to drink from. I didn't tie her up because I know she doesn't like that.

Where are we even going? Story asked as she drank.

"Not sure," I answered. "The edge of Schiff forest I believe."

That's so far, exclaimed Story, lifting her head.

"I know," I moaned. "And we have to conquer a village or something." I set the bowl down then fished for two apples in the bag.

What? How? Story whinnied.

"I have no clue. Here's an apple," I said, tossing an apple towards her and Story caught it in her mouth and bit out a big chunk of it, letting the rest fall to the ground. I took a bit out of my own and picked up Story's apple. "The crazy thing is, is that he wants up back in ten days."

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