Blowing off Steam

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I walked hastily with my fingers tight, once again searching for my parent's runes on our way back to my room.

"Laika," said Zyn a few minutes into the walk.

"What?" I snapped, making a fast decision to turn down an unfamiliar hallway. I needed to search uncharted areas.

"I don't believe," he began hesitantly, "that was your place to speak to the His Majesty in such a way."

"Oh do you?" I sneered. I sharply made a left turn at another hallway as I felt a small twinge of something.

"I do," announced Zyn with a little more confidence. "It was disrespectful and a Subject cannot refuse an order of a King

"Well, I just did. And I am not a Subject," I hissed.

"Yes you are – where are we going?"

"No," I snarled. "I am not a Subject. I didn't choose to be here." I stopped, pausing to feel out this familiar twinge, wondering if it was what I thought it was. I nodded to myself and turned right.

"You didn't –" Zyn shook his head. "No matter. An order is an order, Laika."

"Ooh," I cooed, "I like it when you say my name like that." I felt out the unknown area, adding it to the mental map in my head.

"This is no time to joke."

"He made that order not knowing the consequences." What was once a small, fleeting twinge was now the strong, beckoning call of my mother and father's runes. I didn't even notice how empty I felt without them constantly by my side and my soul longed to be near theirs once again. My pace quickened.

"Then what are the consequences?"

"Death." So close; I can almost...


"Yes," I spat. "Not only of the King, but maybe of me. Do you still not understand?"

"Laika –"


"Saints! Laika stop!" Zyn grasped my shoulder and pulled me back. A raving wave of red came over me and passed; it took me a while to realize that that red came from Zyn. "Where are we going?" He asked me, his brow furrowing.

My anger flared too and I snatched my arm from his grasp. "I'm going to get something back that your precious king stole from me!"

"Stole from you?" asked Zyn in bewilderment. I watched his brow unfurrow and his stale eyes widened at me. "Is that why you're here?" The skin between his eye brows crinkled again. "They're holding you ransom?"

"Oh no," I gasped overdramatically. "I am here on my own accord because I love the palace life. And you know I thought I should receive punishment for all the evil people I've killed by working for the king and kill innocent people. I love the palace and its no freedom policy and its locked doors and fancy clothes. I love how I wake up to a dark ceiling instead of trees and the rising sun." I took a deep breath, pressing my fists to my side; I was not quite done with my outburst.

"Ohh I love the princes," I continued, dragging the back of my hand across my nose. "You know how one of them wants me dead and the other I think wants me to have his babies. Yes, I chose this life Zyn.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get back what is rightfully mine!" I flung myself around rather childishly, and continue stomping through the halls, but I felt another hand on my shoulder and I snapped.

"Get off me," I screamed, pushing Zyn away with all of my strength. I turned before I could see if Zyn caught himself, but I am sure he did. I started sprinting towards the glow of my parents' runes. The pull was getting stronger, begging me to save them. I could hear –

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