Chapter 4 - Sorry...Im just Not Interested

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It's 6 am, monday, Dan was in his warm and comfy, laying position in bed as suddently....


It was Dan's alarm coming from his phone. Some kind of anime character saying that phrase, repeatedly.

"Sigh, I didn't sleep very well, also I gotta update this alarm it's getting annoying." Dan thought as he opens his eyes.
"Gosh , I'm in a bad mood, hopefully noone decides to pick up on me, I'll have to avoid 'Her' today. Getting up now"  he kept thinking as the last words came off his mouth as he got up from bed and started to do the daily stuff (bath, brushing his teeth,etc.) After the bath, he didn't want to be too selective, so he decided to wear whatever he caught first, that being a summer school uniform. Then he just decided to make the breakfast as his family was still asleep.

"So...what will it be today...? pancakes" He said to himself as he ties a blue apron and started cooking.
After a few minutes, as he started to fry the dough of the pancakes, he noticed his parents walking out of their room.

"Bad mood?" Dan said with a tired tone




"Maple and butter?"


Both his parents responded simultaneously with a tired tone as well as they sat in the dinning table.
Dan knew they were saying yes, because they hardly refuse a cooking from his son.
Dan finished up cooking the pancakes and served 5 pancakes to each person  and he sat down and everyone in the room started eating.

"Why are you...'stretch' awake this early?" His mother asked as the three of them proceeded to eat the breakfast.

"What do you mean 'this early'? It's 7:40 am."

"My son...bad news, you forgot time changed, it's 6:40 am" his father jumped in at the conversation.

" 'Sigh' That explains the bad mood, but doesn't phones usually change the time automatically? Not that it matters now, i'm already dressed" Dan responded as he finished eating the pancakes and got up grabbing his blue school bag.

"Planning on going somewhere? That girl's house prehaps...?

"That...girl?" His father questioned.

"Yes, he brought a girl here a few days ago, I had to pretend I went meet your daughters so he could be alone with her. Say, did something happen? my efforts weren't in vain, right?" His mother said turned to his father and then she turned to Dan as she started the 2nd phrase.

"Number 1, she has a name, please use it. Number 2, even if I wanted to, I don't know where Gamo lives, Number 3, you WHAT? Number 4 We smashed..."


"That's my so-"

" nintendo"

Dan created a quiet atmosphere yet again, both of his parents stared at him as he just said "gottem! Don't worry, I'll just go for a walk and then straight to school. Later"

"Wait..." His mother shouted as he was about to open the door.

"What is it?"

"Breakfast was great, im now sure you'll be a great househusband to that Gamo girl"

"Y-you really try to tell my future too much, don't you?" Dan asked as his cheeks turned light pink.


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