Chapter 12

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"The forest is huge, they could be anywhere!" Cade realised when we stood behind our oak tree and looked into the forest.

"I know but we aren't splitting up, that will take too long" I reasoned.

"Don't worry, I think I just found them" Harley casually mentioned.

I followed his gaze to a low grounded area deep in the forest where small, odd bursts of light kept appearing.

"That's defiantly them, come on!" cried Cade as he ran into the forest, Harley and I were hot on his trail.

"It's about time!" Jordan shouted as he pulled all three of us down behind a massive rock.

Further away, Taylor and Declan continued to fight off Sisyphus but they were becoming more worn out by the second. Being apart from Harley for so long made Sisyphus change back to what I think was his normal form.

He was tice as tall as Harley wearing a dark brown toga, his hair was incredibly short and fine with a red tinge to it. Avoiding his attacks wasn't going to be enough, we had to come up with something.

"How hard is it to take him out?" Cade said as Jordan gave him an evil look.

"Very hard" Jordan snarled.

"Alison told me when I first got here that most of the enimeis that we will face want revenge against the Greek Gods for something that has happened in the past. If he is still around then he dosen't have what he wants yet" I spoke.

"I think he is only interested in one of the six of us though, he doesn't seem to want to fight Taylor or Declan" stated Cade.

"So, who were Sisyphus's enimies?" Jordan asked.

"He cheated death twice, I'd say the guy had a lot of people after him" Harley grumbled.

"Zeus is the one who sent him there in the first place and Hades was after him once he left the underworld but we don't have anyone like that so I don't think that's it" he finished.

I kept trying to remember what I had read in the library but I can't think straight under pressure and we need to figure this out fast.

"Sisyphus locked up death after Zeus sent him and Sisyphus was practically free until the God of War, Ares, released Death. Harley, Sisyphus wants you as his replacement in Tartarus because Ares, the God your gift comes from is the reason he is trapped in Tartarus in the first place" I realised.

"Now that we have the reason, what are we going to do?" Jordan asked.

"Give him what he wants" Harley said as he snatched the sword out of Jordan's hand and leaped over the giant rocks we were hiding behind.

"Harley!" Jordan, Cade and I yelled but he continued onto Sisyphus.

Sisyphus noticed Harley charging at him so he fought his way through Declan and tossed Taylor aside to get to him. Harley tricked Sisyphus into thinking that he was going to jump and instead slid to the ground sliced his sword along Sisyphus's calf.

That cut was deep but not deep enough to keep Sisyphus down. He quickly turned around and pushed Harley over, trying to get a hold of his sword.

"We need to make sure that Taylor and Declan are okay" instructed Jordan.

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