Chapter 2

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I rolled over in my bed and checked the time on my phone.


That means mum and dad have already been at work for hours and Caleb is over at a friend’s house for the day so that just left me. I got up and showered than headed into the kitchen to find that the whiteboard stuck on our fridge door had something written on it and it was addressed to me.


Could you please head out to the store and grab a few things. The list is on the counter.

Thanks, love dad

Ugh, now I had to do the food shopping, what a great way to spend the last week of my school holiday’s. I took the list off the bench and stuffed it into the pocket of my jeans as I walked out the door. I hated walking to the shops on my own. Our street was surrounded by so many other small and bending streets filled with dark alley ways and vacant land blocks, covered with rusting old cars and rotting wood.

The wind was just like yesterday and it sent goose bumps down my spine and all over my arms. It made my long, sleek black hair gently move in the breeze and tickle my neck. The leaves came rushing past and I refused to pay close attention to them, I was scared I would see the same thing as yesterday.

It only took me about twenty minutes to get everything I needed from the shops before I began my way back home again.

“Ooof!” I grunted as I slammed into something that sent the bags I was holding onto the ground.

I opened my eyes to see a guy with blonde hair, green eyes and tanned skin sitting down in front of me and staring back at me. A smirk grew on his face.

“Sweetheart, if you wanted a kiss you only had to ask” the handsome guy replied as he brushed some of what looked like my lip balm off of his cheek.

I put my hand over my mouth, I might have kissed him on the cheek by accident when he crashed into me.

“Don’t worry, it can be our little secret” he hushed as he winked at me

I rolled my eyes and he began to laugh.

“Okay, okay I’m only joking. I’m sorry I crashed into you.” He continued as he stood out and started picking up my shopping.

I started to stand too.

“It’s alright, no big deal“

“Hey, I hate to be a pain but could you please help me unload a few things from my trailer. I’m delivering food supplies to the store and some of the items require two people just to lift them up. You don’t have to, I understand if you have places to go” he asked.

“No, I’m sure I can try to help but I am not too strong”

“Don’t worry, any help is good” he said as we walked over to the Ute parked in a nearby alleyway.

Luckily he had parked close to the back doors of the shops so nothing had to be carried too far for too long.

“So, what’s your name?” I asked him as we each picked up a small crate full of apples.

“I’m Declan. Who are you?” he replied.

“Nice to meet you Declan, my name is Faye” I said as we got back to the truck.

“What did you say your name was?” he asked sternly.

I looked at him blankly.

“Faye. Haven’t you here that name before?” I asked Declan.


“Quick, come with me” said the boy as he dragged me further into the abandoned alley way.

“Let go of me!” I cried and he pushed me away from him.




The sound of metal against metal echoed throughout the alley way.

Declan took a large step very close to me and placed his hand over my mouth, then the put a finger against his own lips. He was telling me to be quite and I nodded my head to show him that I understood.

We quietly stepped backwards and crouched down behind some old panels of wood that were once freight crates. Declan and I peeked through the panels of the wood to try and find the source of the noise.

My heart began to slammer against my chest and I was struggling to breathe. There was something very different, very dangerous about the boy that I had just met.

I heard heavy food steps crunch down on the gravel, then two silohetes came into sight. One was tall with a large shadow and the other was just as large but shorter that the first.

“They’re somewhere around here” said a gruff voice.

“I’m going back to check the streets. Don’t miss a spot when you’re searching around here, we’re finished if we let them get away” spoke the tall shadow as it walked away from the alley way.

The smaller shadow began kicking at stuff and ripping up random bits of wood panel around him. He was looking for something. He was looking for us.

Declan clenched my arm and I looked of at him and read his lips.

Stay here

I nodded and then he disappeared into thin air. This isn’t right, what the hell had just happened. I went back to watching the short shadow, hoping that he wouldn’t come my way.

But he did. I held my breath and watched him come closer then another figure appeared holding a threatening object and hit the short figure with it.

“Faye, you can come out now, he is only unconious so we need to leave now” said Declan as he crouched down beside me.

I crawled out of my hiding space and turned to Declan.

“I don’t know who you are and I’m not going to go anywhere with you” I spoke sternly

“Faye, can you hold this for me” asked Declan as he handed me a small, opened pouch filled with something like sand.

“What is going on? Why were there people looking for us? Are you some kind of criminal?” I panicked.

I could smell the stuff in the pouch and I began to feel sick and dizzy. I fell, hunched over onto my hands and knees. It smelt like burning rubber and the most disgusting medicine I had ever had to drink.

Declan sat on his knees beside me and rolled my pain stricken body onto his lap so I was lying on him.

“I can’t tell you what is going on or why people were looking for us but you will find out soon. And No, I’m not a criminal. You know, I thought that you would be a lot more difficult to trick considering your gift was a hunter’s skill and all. But then again, you were even stubborn enough to ignore the messages. I guess a hunter follows only its own instinct.”

“You kept sending the creepy messages!” I cried.

“They weren’t creepy, they were lifesaving but because you were too much of an idiot to listen to them, now I have had to come and get you myself.” He replied annoyed.

“Come and get me?”

“Yes, now stop talking, you’re slowing down the poison”


“Well it isn’t freaking happy gas! It won’t kill you, you will wake up fine tomorrow” He snapped.

I tried to struggle away from him but I was beginning to be surrounded by darkness, then I was asleep.

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