Chapter 3

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I was coming back from being unconscious, I could still smell the sickening powder and I felt kind of dizzy. I looked around and saw that I had been lying in a bed, in a room I didn’t recognise.

It had incredibly high ceilings with light grey marble walls and high arched doorways. The room was of rectangular size and had several beds lined up against both of the longer walls. It had a large doorway with one of the two doors open, showing more marble floor and stairs.

I got up out of the bed and noticed that I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. I don’t move much in my sleep so my clothes looked fine and all I had to do was pull my mid-length light brown hair into a high pony tail and make sure that my side fringe was sweeping to the left.

 I pulled the bed sheets neatly back over the bed and walked out of the room.

As I stepped out of the room I bumped into a red headed girl. She looked angry with me but then gave me a closer look and her face softened.

“Your awake, that’s good to see but you should be back in bed” she spoke as she walked back into the room I woke up in. I followed.

“I want to know where I am” I said.

“Of course you do but unfortunately I’m not the one who can tell you that,  you are going to meet Alison soon so your questions can be answered then” She sighed.

“That’s exactly what the other guy said” I muttered.

Thudding footsteps and an interrupting voice broke up our conversation.

“Hey, Alison is waiting so you better wake the girl up” yelled the voice.

“What’s your name?” asked the girl, ignoring the voice.

“I’m Faye”

“Don’t just ignore me” whined the voice as a boy walked into the room.

“Yes Declan, Faye is up. We will be there soon” said the girl.

“You will have to take her to see Alison because I have to take care of something first “huffed the girl as she began stomped out of the room.

“I’m Taylor by the way, I will see you later on Faye”

“Follow me to see Alison” said Declan.

“If I go with you, is someone finally going to tell me what is going on and why I have been dragged into it?” I questioned.

“Yes Faye, now we better hurry, Alison hates it when we are late”

I followed Declan across the wide open floor space and into a room. The room was more of an office really, it had a large wooden desk with a modern office chair to go with it and several ceiling high bookshelves at the back of the room.

“Alison, you there?” called Declan as he knocked on the door frame.

I jumped back as the head of the woman sitting in the chair flung up and stared directly at me.

“Yes, yes. Come in. You must be Faye, I’m Alison one of the head instructors. Please, take a seat” beamed Alison.

Declan walked of to the two seats in front of the large desk. Alison held her hand out for me to shake it but I ignored and fell back into my seat crossing my right leg over my left.

Alison returned to her seat and began conversation.

“So how was your trip to come and see us?”

“Oh, you know. As good as a kidnapping can get really” I spat.

“Kidnapping?” Alison spoke horrified.

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