Chapter 4

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I chased Declan up two different flights of stairs and through numerous hallways to arrive in a large room that had stairs descending four steps down into a lower level of the room. There was couches and cushions with a low table on the lowered floor.

Declan slowed down his pace and strode into the room where as I huffed and puffed like I had run a marathon.

“Wow, I guess Alison was right about you needing training. We only ran up two flights of stairs and you look awful”

“Shut. Up.” I heaved.

Once I got my heart rate back to normal I realised that our little conversation had interrupted the people sitting on the couch in this room. On two different couches sat two guys.

One was sitting with his legs crossed up on the couch while wearing white headphones over his has midnight black, long, curly hair. From what I could see, he had brown eyes as well as pasty skin and a tall, thin build.

On another couch sat the other guy. He had brown hair with a length that reached the tip of his ears as his hair swept to the right. He also had brown eyes and tanned skin.

“Hellooo new girl” said the brown haired boy.

“This is Cade, he is an idiot so try to avoid him at all costs” spoke Declan as he pointed to the boy.

“I better go find Harley, I’ll be back later so I’m sure you can hang with these guys until I get back. Cya” continued Declan as he raced out of the room.

“Don’t listen to him gorgeous, come and sit next to me” said Cade as he patted the seat next to him.

“Your pathetic man, she hasn’t even been here for a full day and you are already hitting on her. Leave her alone” spoke the other guy.

I looked over to see that the boy with the headphones over his ears now had them around his neck and was paying attention to the conversation.

“Shut up Drac, just cause you can’t get a babe” smirked Cade.

The other guy rolled his eyes, then he looked over at me.

“Hey, I’m Jordan. What’s your name?” the guy asked.

“My name is Faye” I replied.

“Nice to meet you Faye. You should come and take a seat, you can stay with us until Declan gets back.” said Jordan.

I took a seat next to Jordan and watched Cade tense up slightly.

“So Faye, when did you get here?” asked Cade.

“I woke up here this morning” I replied.

“What have you done since you got here?” said Cade.

“Not much really. When I woke up I ran into someone named Taylor and then she left and Declan took me to see Alison”

“So you’ve already met Alison, do you know what gift you were given?” asked Jordan.

“Yeah, she said that my gift was a hunter’s skill and instinct from the Greek goddess Artemis” I said.

“A hunter, that’s pretty cool. I got the ability to heal as well as a love for music from the Greek god Apollo” spoke Jordan as he tapped his headphones.

“I was given a gift that enables me too compel anyone into anything such as walk into the next room or even fall in love with me from the Greek goddess of beauty herself, Aphrodite” said Cade.

I glanced over at Jordan for conformation.

“It’s true, I’ve seen it happen before.” Sighed Jordan as I screwed up my face a little.

“What else did she tell you” questioned Cade.

“She told me that I had to do training sessions to enhance my gift. Declan said that would take me to see someone training before he left” I replied.

“Well Taylor should be training now. We can go see her if you like” said Jordan.

I nodded my head and followed the two boys out onto a balcony that was inside the building running around the edge of the room that was the size of more than half a football field.

The balcony’s edge looked down into the oval shaped room. Around the outskirts of the lowered floor was a four lane race track and in the centre of the floor was a girl punching a boxing bag. I recognised the girl from earlier today when I woke up. She had the same auburn hair that sat just past her shoulders with gorgeous brown eyes and a tall frame.

I placed my arms on the edge of the balcony and lent against the railing with Cade and Jordan on either side of me, all of us looking down at Taylor.

“This is Taylor, she is one of us. Her gift is wisdom and strategic skills, it was given to her by the Greek goddess Athena” whispered Jordan.

“Why are we whispering?” I asked,

“Cause Taylor will kill us if she finds out we were watching her train” hushed Cade.

“I still don’t get the whole training thing, I mean, what’s the point?” I implied

“You aren’t the sporty type are you?” smiled Jordan.

I fake laughed to that but it’s true, I absolutely hate sport.

“The training isn’t overly important, it’s just there to make sure that we don’t hurt ourselves in a fight. We have a group training session with one of the instructors every once in a while but other than that we come in as we please. On top of attending school that is” said Cade.

“School, wait, what grade are you guys in?” I questioned

“Funnily enough we are all in the same grade so we will be starting grade 11 next week. Out of all of us though Cade here is the baby. He was born on September 3rd” smirked Jordan

“You’re never going to let that go are you” snapped Cade.

“Not anymore he isn’t. My birthday isn’t until the 21th November” I laughed.

“YES!” yelled Cade in an extremely loud voice.

So loud in fact that it made Taylor stop her furious punching and flip her head over to us. She looked like she could kill someone.

“Cade you idiot!” cried Jordan.

"Quick,  to the dorms!" panicked Cade as all three of us ran out of the room.

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