Chapter 8

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Declan, Taylor and I were all still lounging around in the library. Taylor had just answered her phone. The parson on the other end of the line was talking really loudly, meaning that Declan and I could hear both sides of the conversation.

“What do you want me to do about it” demanded Taylor.

“Go shopping?”

“The apartment is full of food” Taylor argued.

“Not anymore”

“You guys ate all the food!”

“Why do you sound so surprised, you are living with four growing teenage boys”

From the sound of the voice, I’m guessing that Taylor is on the phone to Jordan.

“Out of the four of you, Cade is the only one who needs to keep growing”

“Stop making fun of my height and go get some food. I’m starving” another voice screamed from the other end of the phone, it sounded a lot like Cade.

“I’ll see what I can do” Taylor sighed as she hung up the phone.

“What was that about?” asked Declan.

“That was Jordan, well the last part was Cade. They said they’re out of food”

“How is that even possible, the place is full of food” I said, placing my books on the librarian’s desk as three of us left the library.

“Not anymore it isn’t”

“Are you going to go shopping?” I asked.

“I can’t, I booked the training room for now” she explained.

“You’re going to make us go instead, aren’t you” Declan sighed.

“If you want to eat tonight you are going to have to” Taylor beamed.

“Fine, I’ll go. Are you coming with me?” I glanced up at Declan.

“Yeah, I’ll go with you. You probably don’t know where you are going anyway” he replied lazily.

“Cool, I will see you guys later back at the apartment” said Taylor as she walked away.

Declan and I walked away from the old garden shed that was previously the secret part of the school as the sky was beginning to grow dark.

“How long had you been involved in all of this madness before you brought me into it?”

“About four weeks. Harley was sent to get me but I found him first. He was beaten and bruised. I assumed that he was beaten up by a group of other guys so I tried to help him. Harley hit me over the head with something and dragged me back to the school”

“Whoa, did you all kidnap each other?”

“Kind of. Jordan was first, then he got Taylor who got Cade who got Harley who got me then I got you”

“Do I have to get anyone?” I panicked.

“Nope, you are the last one. There is no one else like us”

“I don’t really understand how we were given gifts from the Greek Gods. I mean, I think someone would have noticed if a god had come down to Earth”

“That’s the thing, apparently on our tenth birthday we were given the gift. It was in the shape of a small grey treasure chest that could sit perfectly in your hand. When you opened the box the traits of the Gods ran into you and the chest disappeared. Alison said that it took her five years to track us all down” Declan spoke.

“Why was she trying to track us down?”

“To fight who we have to fight I guess”

“It’s not right that she is making us stay here either. Some of us have lives to you know”

“Missing mummy and daddy are we?” he said innocently.

“Kind of, and my little brother too but what bothers me most is the fact that I can’t believe my parents actually think that I just moved schools. They haven’t even tried to call me. Its like I don’t mean anything to them anymore”

“You have a little brother? That explains why you have more tolerance towards Cade when he is being annoying"

"Yeah, but what about you? Don’t you miss your family?” I asked.

“Not really. My parents are the CEO’s of two very important businesses. I have no siblings and my parents haven’t been around for me much. Unlike you, I’m not surprised that my parents haven’t called”

“That is what it was like with my dad when I was younger. He was always working, even to the point when I wouldn’t see him until the weekends. Soon after my brother was born my dad quit his job so he could be with his family. It took ages for him to find another job and we were nearly made to live on the streets several times. I guess what I’m trying to say is that just because your parents aren’t around all the time, doesn’t mean that they don’t care at all”

“I don’t think you could imagine the amount of times I have been told stories like that”

“And I bet it never made a difference to you”


I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

“So what’s your brother’s name?” he asked.

“Caleb” I replied.

“How old is he?”

“He turned eight a couple of days ago”

“What! That’s an eight year difference between you to. How old are your parents?” exclaimed Declan.

“I know it’s a big age gap. My parents are both 42. They were 35 when Caleb was born and 27 when they had me”

“That’s young. My mum was 38 when I was born. She is now 52”

Declan and I finished the shopping quickly and were now walking through the front door of the apartment.

“Food!” screamed Cade as he nearly pushed me over to get to the food I was carrying.

“Cade, at least let them get to the kitchen” Taylor ordered.

“Sorry” he called back as he took some of the bags out of my hands.

“Oh, my, gosh, you got pizza!” Taylor squealed as she rummaged through he bags that Declan had put on the table.

“Yes!" cried Cade as he turned the oven on.

20 minutes later we were all sitting around the table waiting for Taylor to take the pizza out of the oven. The second she placed it on the table Cade, Declan and Jordan dove for it. Harley walked in minutes later.

“Hey guys, Oh cool, pizza” Harley smiled as he took a seat at the table

Wait, he smiled?

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