My thoughts on genshin

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Hu Tao ate Zhonglis lizard she thought it was food

Childe somehow makes everything seem evil than it already is

Lumine made aether cry.

Paimon was almost killed by Albedo

Diluc and keaya needs to make up NOW

Keaya dressed up in a banana suit

Xiao builds a sand castle just to knock it down

Diluc works at kfc

Ningguang and beidou plays games 24/7

Itto is gay for gourou and he doesn't even know it

Zhongli can cook

Ei has walked down the stairs and tripped

Klee bombed Mondstadt

Everyone in Mondstadt will kill someone if they hated Bennett but Bennett thinks people wants to kill him

Scara has put childs in the hospital with a kids picture book

Venti ate beans once and now he can't go to angles share bathroom anymore

Madame Ping is a 5star

Ayato and Ayaka both have matching pjs and thoma took a picture of them together in it

Qiqi and sayu are besties

Dain got yelled at by Barbara teaching him about Barbatos
Dain cried after it

Fischl jojo fan

Thoma and Childe had a cooking contest
Xiangling won

Kokomi and xingqiu makes fanfics together

I forgor the rest of my thoughts send help

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I forgor the rest of my thoughts send help

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