More genshin headcannons

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Ei loves to support small businesses

Yae loves Halloween, it's the time she can only spook Ei

Yun Jin and Xiyan made a song together, however it ended up sounding like ass but good at the same time

Beidou and ningguang are dating

Benny gets in trouble and says Razor did it (it's the same the other way)

Klee solos the world

Qiqi went to pick flowers but she somehow remembers her past when doing so. It made her scared to pick some herbs again
Then she forgot

Hu Tao picks on Xingqiu
Xingqiu picks on Chongyun
Chongyun just cries

Diluc can never win a game of Uno

Amber and Noelle hangs out

Klee likes to make "your mom" jokes

Jean never gets any sleep but Lisa house is closer than hers, so she'll walk to Lisa's house and spend the night there

Kazuha hates winter with a passion

Thoma is the doppio to childe
If u don't know sorry

Ayato and Ayaka loves to bully Thoma when they have sleepovers

Ayato and Itto are friends

Diluc loves to go to the beach and every time he wants to go it rains

Xangling tried to cook a hilichurl before

Sara once said "if I have to beat Itto a 1,000 times at eating the super delicious ten pound ramen noodle with extra cheese I will always win at eating the super delicious ten pound ramen noodle with extra cheese"

Lumine loves braiding her brother hair.
(Forgot how to spell his name LMAOA)

Sayu uses her ninja skills and hides behind gorou just to pull on his tail and leave

Yoimiya accidentally sent a really big firework to Kokomis house

Keqing tried to get along with Hu Tao but it seems that's she's scared of Hu Taos ghost

Ganyu once had to babysit qiqi
She somehow gets sad and qiqi had to babysit ganyu

Albedo and Mona have Facebook beef
they stalk each other on all platforms

Ei tried to cook for Yae but instead she started a fire

Shenhe and Eula get along very well

Klee and venti swapped hats for a day


Yanfei went to school for one day and the next day the school closed down
it was illegal to give the kids such horrible food
And they didn't teach them about the law

Diona does that little defensive cat thing when Bennett comes around

Lisa can sing


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