Part 4: First Day

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Reader pov

I looked up at the huge building I last saw during the exams. Now here I am, about to be a student in the best hero course in the country. I'm so nervous and excited. I hope Kirishima and I got in the same class. The hallways are so confusing I almost got lost. I come up to a tall door with a big 1-A written on it in red. I opened the door, immediately being overwhelmed with shouting. I closed the door, took a deep breath, and opened it again.

"Hey, Y/n," Kirishima yelled from behind me. I turned around and smiled.

"Hey, we're in the same class! That's amazing," I replied. "I don't know what I'd do if I was alone in here."

"Right! How well did you do on the tests?"

"I think I did pretty good," I explained, going in detail about my results.

"I didn't do too hot on the written part," Kirishima complained, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Maybe we can study together sometime? I could tutor you," I offered.

"Really!? You would do that for me?"

"Of course, that's what friends do."

Someone with short brown hair came up to us trying to get into the room. "Ah, sorry," I shouted, pulling Kirishima into the classroom.

"Kiri!! I'm so glad you got in," A beautiful girl cheered, pulling Kirishima into a hug. She had pale pink skin and pink hair with these cute horns in it. She seems to have a cheerful and positive personality. I looked for a flaw but struggled to find a single one. Holy shit, this girl is an angel blessed upon us by the gods. I don't deserve to be in the same room as her and oh no I think I've been staring for too long. Abort! Abort!

I heard talking by the doorway and saw a caterpillar in the doorway. Is that a quirk? Oh wait that's just a sleeping bag. Everyone scattered to their seats and I followed, not wanting to get in trouble on the first day.

"It took you eight seconds to stop talking. You won't have that kind of time as a hero. I'm your homeroom teacher for the year, Shota Aizawa." Aizawa Sensei is a dark haired hobo-looking guy. Seriously, he looks like he's been sleeping in that sleeping bag wherever he can get comfortable. "Each of you should have one of these gym uniforms," Aizawa Sensei drawled. "Put them on and meet me in the field."

"But Sensei," Someone shouted. "We have orientation today!"

"Heroes don't have time for things like orientation," Aizawa snapped. "Now follow me to the locker rooms."

We got to the locker rooms when I realized a terrible problem I had not yet realized. Which locker room do I use? I go in the boy's room and everyone freaks out. I go to the girl's locker room, and everyone also freaks out. "Go in the girl's locker room. Use the bathrooms in there if you want," Aizawa Sensei whispered in my ear and walked away.

I quickly got dressed and went out to the field where Aizawa Sensei was already talking. "Bakugou, step into the circle," Aizawa commanded. Bakugou, the blond spiky haired guy grumbled but did what he was told. "In middle school, what did you get on your ball throw?"

"Sixty-nine meters," Bakugou said with a straight face. The pink haired girl and a boy with blond hair with a black lightning bolt snickered.

Aizawa Sensei glared at them and tossed a ball to Bakugou. "Throw the ball using your quirk."

"DIE!!!" Bakugou used his quirk, explosions, and the ball went flying. Sensei showed us the device.

"705.2 meters," Some kid yelled in shock.

"This will be so much fun," An invisible girl claimed.

"Fun? You think hero work will be fun? Fine, you will do a series of eight tests," Aizawa Sensei glared. "Whoever scores the lowest will be expelled."

For the first test was a fifty meter dash. I used my quirk on my shoes. When the time starts I used my quirk to pull my shoes forward, making me run faster. 5.8 seconds, not too bad. Especially since my opponents got 3.04 and 5.51 seconds each.

Next was the grip strength. I used my quirk again, this time on the device and squeezing it tightly. I got 69 kg. I was hoping for a bit more, but it's not bad.

Moving on is the standard long jump. I used the same trick as the 50 meter dash, clearing the sandbox.

I did pretty well on the next three tests, sit ups, side steps, and seated tow touch. Nothing too note worthy, but I am pretty flexible so I did good on the last one.

Last was the ball throw. I was zoning out staring at the girl from earlier when I heard Aizawa Sensei call me up. I grab the ball from his hand with my quirk and threw it, not once touching the ball.

"Infinity," Aizawa Sensei said when the machine beeped. I walked back to my spot with a smirk. There is no way anyone else could- "Uraraka got infinity."

I looked up absolutely flabbergasted. How could something like this happen. It's not like I'm a ripoff version of her quirk, that would be ridiculous. Uraraka walked up and gave me a high five. "Good job," She said while walking away.

After the last of the balls were tossed we were shown the results. I scanned the board for my name, seeing it in spot seven. I made top ten! I looked at the last place spot and saw Midoriya. I looked around and figured it was probably the green haired kid freaking out. Poor dude.

"I lied about expelling you. It was a logical ruse to make you go all out for the tests," Sensei explained, walking away slowly. Everyone started yelling again but Midoriya just seemed to be relieved. I smiled and we went back to the locker rooms and then to lunch. I realized that I had no one to sit with. I looked around and saw Kirishima. He walked up to me.

"Do you wanna hang out with me and a friend at lunch? She probably brought some friends too if thats okay," Kirishima asked. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Great!" He yelled. "Follow me!" And so I did. When we got to a the table we sat down.

I looked around and realized I didnt know anyone else here.

"Everyone introduce yourselves!" Kirishima yelled. "Me first! Im Ejiro Kirishima."

"Katsuki Bakugou" The blond who yelled die at a ball earlier.

"Im Hanta Sero." This guy has beady black eyes and black hair. He seems chill.

"Im Denki Kaminari!" A blond with a black lightning bolt said. He looks like the kind of friend who would do anything for a friend. He seems cool.

"Im Mina Ashido!" I recognize that voice. I looked over to see the pretty girl from earlier.

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