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I spent the next couple of days with the elves. Though I hadn't much spoken, the others grew more trustworthy.

Chireadan, the overly caring man he was, kept close eyes on me and my health. So much so that it became annoyingly clingy.

I sat near a cluster of shrubs one day, using a stick to draw in the dirt. Drawing, with whatever tools I had back 'home', was one of my hobbies. I was no expert, but I'd had enough practice to sell portraits if I really wanted to.

I rested my head on my hand, drawing with my right. Chireadan, the Ever-Observant (his new nickname I concluded in my mind) walked over, eying the drawing in the soil. His eyes twitched at the sight of the subject.

The White Wolf.

"Interesting choice of subject," he said, "what's his name?"

I pursed my lips, staring blankly at the ground, "I...don't know."

Geralt of Rivia.

The elf sat next to me, "how are you feeling?"

I shrugged.

"Well, your wounds seem to have healed..." he paused in hesitation, something on his mind.

"What?" I asked, turning to look at him.

His face flushed red, "don't you have anyone who might be looking for you? Family? A husband?"

Real subtle.

I put the stick down, pressing my legs to my chest, hugging myself with my head resting on my knees, "My parents are dead. And, despite my age, evidently I've found no husband."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

I held back tears, "no, you mustn't apologize. You're curious, I understand."

"Well," he added, "you could, um, stay here if you'd like?"

I cocked my head, surprised. 

"I thought you elves didn't like outsiders? Let alone humans." I said, looking around at the prying eyes.

"Not usually, no, but we help those in need. As far as humans go, we're quite indifferent to them, especially since the war but... You're not quite human."

My eyebrows furrowed, "what do you mean?"

"A normal human would not have survived so easily in the cold. Your body regulated your temperature, a hibernation of sorts. When we found you, crows kept trying to attack us as we brought you here. We've sensed something, which is why my friends seem so wary."

"I see..." I placed my head back down.

"And I think I've fallen in love with you."

My head shot up, "what?"

He cleared his throat, "which wouldn't have happened had you only been human."

He stood then, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Chireadan started walking off, "but please, think of my offer to stay."

Then I said, "wait."

He turned to me, our eyes meeting, "how old do you think I am?"

"In human years? Twenty at least?"

I stood, brushing the dirt off of my pants. I shook my head gently, "I'm seventeen in a few months."

Chireadan's eyes went red and watered, "oh! I-I'm sorry I thought-"

I smiled, "no need to apologize. I see your intentions were not wrong. I know I look older."

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