Floor 4 - Chapter 2 - The Fallen

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December 19th, 2022 - Floor 4, Border Lake

Back on Floor 3, Jet had told Koharu they'd see Kizmel again... though, even he had to admit that he hadn't expected that to mean ''we'll see her in two days.''...

''I'm glad that both of you are fairing well, I feel that I have thought of nothing but you both since we parted ways on the last floor. How went the battle with the guardian?''

''Umm, the battle went fine... it was the meeting before it that proved problematic.''

''How so?''

''Let's just say that Elves aren't the only ones who can't get along, and some people are prone to blundering into things armed with only their big mouth...'' - Jet muttered, skittishly looking around, avoiding eye contact with anyone or staring at anything for too long. Luckily for his conscience, no one had really been hurt in that fiasco, only a few people's feelings, and possibly trust in their leaders. Only time would tell whether he was correct on the latter though, and what consequences that would actually have...

''I can't say I understand?''

''He's... it's a long story, Kizmel.'' - Koharu admitted. If she knew her partner as well as she thought she did, she reckoned he'd be struggling with the guilty conscience from being used as a chess piece in someone's game, and nearly causing a major disaster amongst them. If she was honest with herself, she'd been unhappy to even have it suggested that Jet was a willing participant, and that some members of the clearing group were either incredibly stupid, incredibly oblivious... or had ulterior motives for their attitude. She wasn't sure which of those worried her most...

''I will accept your word on that one. If we are done with the pleasantries however, we are currently in the middle of a major situation.'' - The sarcastic undertone that Kizmel had taken on threw Jet for a loop... could NPCs be sarcastic? Apparently so... ''The Lapis Key, the key we sealed away on this floor has gone missing.''

''Did you check behind the sofa? Always where I found my keys...'' - Kizmel quietly suppressed a laugh, whilst Koharu rolled her eyes at her partner's joke.

''No, I assure you that we would be in more of a panic, if that were the case. Could I ask you to enter the fortress, as I do not feel comfortable telling you this circumstances with the possibility of onlookers. The entrance to the fortress is down that path, you should see a guard there. I will inform them of your presence now, but I have another duty to tend to at this moment.''

''We'll head there now, see you in a few Kizmel.''

''A few what?''

''Umm, it's just a saying, see you in a few minutes then!'' - Kizmel nodded, and took off back in the way she'd appeared, as Jet and Koharu began following the path...

''Jet, you think she looked tired? I mean, I can understand, being cramped up in that fort can't be comfortable... I hope we can help though.''

''If it's got anything to do with that Lapis Key, I'd put money on this being the next part of the Elven War quest. Random question, did it seem like she was...''

''Taking after you with the tone? A little bit, yeah. You think we've had that much of an effect on her?''

''Maybe... Still, we're nearly here, and... ahh, there's the guard.''

''Human warriors! What business do you have here?''

''I am Jet, this is Koharu. We have assisted the Dark Elves on the lower floors, and retrieving the Jade Key.''

''We're here to see Kizmel. Can you let us through?''

''Answer me this... can you prove you are who you claim to be?''

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