Floor 8 - Boss - Envy the Forest Witch

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Earlier that day...

Of the many things that Jet and Koharu were expecting, assisting the commander who'd implied that they'd be slain on sight if he laid eyes on them again... wasn't particular high up there. As they wondered about that, Kizmel held out a number of flowers to the commander, whilst the two talked in some form of elven language that none of the four were capable of understanding...

''You two seem a bit surprised?'' Rain asked, as Jet jogged his memory. Koharu, luckily for them, was already running hers, so to speak.

''Remember what we said about the fourth floor, Rain?''

''Which bit, I just remember a lot of angry ranting from Jet, if I'm honest...'' And did she remember it, alright. She may have had, as Jet had put it once, the patience of a saint... but that had really tested her.

''The bit about stopping the attack. That was the commander who we talked to... and who not so subtlety implied that he'd kill us on sight if he saw us again.'' Who was currently being handed a load of flowers by Kizmel, much to the confusion of the group. ''Uhh, Kizmel, what's with the flowers?'' Koharu asked.

''The flowers here are called Witch's Benevolence. Their nectar gives off heat, so they are often consumed to survive the cold. Us elves use them to make alcohol...'' Kizmel answered, although the look on her face should've been an indicator as to the quality of said alcohol.

''Is it any good?'' Jet asked, evidently not seeing Kizmel's face, and deciding if it was... then a few bottles for Christmas presents wasn't the worst idea in the world. Just as long as he made sure Strea never found them, that was.

''Not at all. We have to mix it with the right combination of spices to make it remotely palatable. It's only really for medicinal purposes, to warm our bodies in this frigid place. If it wasn't for that, no one would ever drink it...'' And that put paid to that plan, Jet thought to himself.

''Eh, give it to Strea. She'll drink it neat.'' He shrugged, remembering his sister's antics (and the associated bills from said antics) over the years...

''Hm, I will admit, I wondered if you'd show up with an army instead of... a knight, and four teenagers. Though, I do have a question for you - the dark haired girl, the swordsmaster who tore through my men, like a swift wind through the forest... where is she?''

''You mean Yuuki? She's off, errr, somewhere.'' Jet quietly hid that he had absolutely no idea where she was.

''A shame, I would've loved to have fought by her side in this matter, but alas. I suppose you are wondering why I've asked you here?'' The commander asked.

''Just a little bit, yeah.'' Koharu admitted.

''Aren't the Forest Elves the other baddies?'' Phillia asked, slightly confused as to why the couple had a prior history with this one...

''Nah, other side of the coin. Neither good nor bad, in real terms anyway.''

''On the fourth floor, I wished to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, especially as we were being manipulated by the Fallen. This has not changed, although the situation has. A woman from the Fallen, who went by the name Kysala came to me with a letter from our king, stating that the Fallen would be helping us to invade Lyusala. Despite our mission, and the animosity between our races... an all out invasion like that seems particularly unwise. I have lost confidence in our leadership, and so have a large number of my forces... Kysala also bought me information on the Witch's Maze, where the Sapphire Key is hidden-''

''Was. Was hidden.'' Jet raised a smirk.

''Do not tell me that loathsome woman has the Sapphire Key...'' The Forest Elf Commander wore a look of fear on his face... as Kizmel materialised a small cloth bag, covered in Elven runes of some form. The look of fear was overtaken by a look of shock. ''You already have the key?!'' He exclaimed.

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