Floor 9 - Chapter 3 - Child's Play

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After a not so brief explanation to Phillia about why, perhaps, taking photographs of your friends during intimate moments might not be the greatest idea in the world, the group had returned to Cal with the required ingredients. Jet took the chance to ring the chimes this time, and he did so with what could almost be considered too much force, as the chimes rang around the forest...

''Did you ever play an instrument?'' Rain asked, the question seemingly coming out of nowhere to Jet.

''Uhh, no, why?''

''That explains a lot...'' Phillia mumbled, miming either beating someone with a guitar, or destroying a guitar.

''Maybe be a little less forceful next time?'' Rain asked nicely, her eardrums still ringing, whilst Koharu and Phillia nodded along.

As they did, a familiar mist surrounded them, before taking the shape of the Forest Elf, Cal. As he walked around, Rain handed him the ingredients, and she swore that there was a hint of a smile on his face momentarily as she did. ''You have retrieved the ingredients, so we are very thankful to you. However, whilst you were gone, I have received a report that the king's physician has undertaken some tests on His Majesty, and believes that his ailments are purely down to poisoning.''

''So, this is to create an antidote then?''

''It should be used to produce a potion capable of identifying the poison that was used. However, we no longer have time for that, as His Majesty's ailment is progressing far faster than was anticipated.''

''I take it there's a plan then?'' Jet asked.

''Indeed. We have reports that the chancellor's confidant, the protocol officer, has been carrying a strange bottle around at all times. It should not surprise you that a similar bottle was found in His Majesty's chamber when he first fell ill. I would wager that the bottle contained whichever poison the Fallen used on him. If we can steal that bottle, we can identify that poison significantly faster, and therefore produce an antidote too. However, we will not have much of a chance. The protocol officer carries that bottle wherever he goes, and he is constantly surrounded by guards. If we act too rashly, I fear they would not be adverse to escalation...'' Exactly what was meant by that filled all present with dread. Keeping the king alive could now be the best option to actually clear the Elf War Quest, and prevent a full scale war... ''I shall need you to sneak into the palace, and distract the chancellor.''

''Uhh, what.'' Jet wondered if he'd heard that right, much like everyone else in the group. They decided they had.

''There's five of us, there's no way we'd be able to infiltrate anywhere like that! Plus, we're allies of the Dark Elves. Never mind not letting us in, they'd have... our...'' Koharu's eyes went wide as she realised what would happen if they were caught.

''I'm not asking you to break down the palace gate.'' Jet snorted at the thought. They'd be massacred before they got close to that.

''At least we'd be certain it was a suicide mission then...'' Mito muttered in annoyance.

''I understand your trepidations with this objective. It certainly isn't one that would be considered in any other circumstances, and it is not as if humans in the palace will draw attention on their own. Since our preparations began, we have been relying on a caravan of human merchants to supply us, and our war effort. If you could take your place amongst the children of the caravan, then...''

''Uhh, good luck with that. Never seen a six foot child, personally.''

''I see one every time I glance over.'' Phillia smirked, as Jet narrowed his eyes in annoyance. ''Just a joke...'' she looked on defensively.

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