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Hope POV

It was the next morning and I had practice with the gang, but Josie looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake her up or anything. My arms were under her neck and her body was pressed against mine, which I didn't mind at all it's just I really needed to get up because if I didn't the gang will just come waking her up with loud noises.

I lifted her head as delicate as I could and placed it down as I took my other arm from under her.

I got up very slowly trying not to wake her.

"Up so early?" Josette asked as I got up

"I didn't mean to wake you" I say

"It's fine, plus last night might have been one of my best sleeps in a long time" she says

"Well I'm glad to here that Josette, but I have practice with 6 of the 8, and then I have to make my way down to get some breakfast after that, we can continue our research" I say

"That's sounds great with me, I have to go check in on my sister anyways" she says

"Great, I call dibs on the shower when I come back" I say

Usually I take showers before going to practice but I'm going to be late if I do.

Brittany POV

Today was the day that I have to tell Hope about my feelings.

I don't want to ruin our friendship group just because I have feelings for one of the members. I think telling Hope will resolve all of my problems.

I got up and took a shower, I then got back out and penny was already in her training clothes.

"I took a shower last night when you were sleep, but I will take another after we are done" penny says

"That's good, but we should get going because last time we were late to a practice was hell" I say

"I don't know why Hope always want us to wake up this early in the morning, I rather us practice in the afternoon" she says

"I think the morning is better because the practice wakes me up" I say

"Whatever you just don't want to piss off hope" she says

"That's not true, Hope doesn't scare me like she scares y'all" I say

"Sure she doesn't" penny says before she grabbed her bag and headed to the door.


Today is the day I try and ask my crush out. I mean School is like 3 days away and we can make the perfect power couple it's just she has a thing for my brother which pisses me off because I'm so much better and I actually care about her feelings unlike him. Don't get me wrong I love my brother but he is a real ass when it comes to getting with girls or even dealing with people at all. I only see the best sides of him, when he's around my mom. He's been this way every since dad left, I don't want to get into that though because my father is the worst person in history. He's the reason me and Jack are both vampires.

I got out of the bed and woke up Jack for practice, even if he's a ass, the squad always and will forever protect him and each other.

"I don't want to go" he says

"You say this everyday" I say

"Yeah but today I don't want to and you can't force me" he says

"I'm not going to force you Jack, but I'm sure as hell not going to cover for you, so have fun explaining to Hope why you're not at practice" I say

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