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Hope POV

It was a bit later on and I was still nervous to meet junior.

I met him but I didn't meet him as my nephew..

This week is a lot and I don't know how I'm going to deal with this.

I know had a girlfriend for comfort but damn this was really recking my nerves.

I paced around the room as I waited for junior to arrive.

"Hope chill out" Mg says

"Who are you again?" I asked

"Hope..." josette says before giving me that look.

"Fine..." I said before I went to go sit down.

Justin had came down stairs with a bunch of board games.

"So hope... you knew junior for a good amount of time so what do you think about the whole board games thing... do you think he would like it?" Justin asked me

"Jessy, the kid is 3... I'm sure a toy car would do" I said

"Yeah, you're right" he says

Now that Justin is going to be in our life I wonder if he is going to be there for him more, and like drop out of school or something... I mean I doubt he's not going to not take care of junior but does he know how much of a responsibility this is?

That's when the door bell rung and Justin ran to the door and opened it.

When the door opens it reveals junior and Andy...

When junior seen my face he ran to me.

"Hopey.... Hopey..." he chanted

I picked him up...

"Hey buddy..." I said

"H-hi hopey" he says as he clapped his hands

"How old are you buddy?" I asked to see if he knows his own age..

"I-I 3" he says as he held up 5 fingers

"Mmm, interesting... want to play with a toy car?" I asked

"Car! I- I- I love c-cars" he says

I smiled at him.

I looked over at Justin and I nodded my head in order for him to give junior the toy car.

"Hi junior" Justin says as he handed her the car.

"N-name?" Junior asked

"Umm... my name is Justin.." Justin says

Justin looked at Andy and she nodded.

"I'm your dad.." Justin says

"D-dad? Wut is dat?" Junior asked

"Just like you have a mom... you have a dad" Justin says

"I don't think he will understand... he's only 3" I said

"How about you hold him?" I added

"Sure" Justin says before he took junior out of my hands.

I haven't seen junior in so long and we had the best bond... I had tried to work things out with Andy 6 months ago and she came back with a 2 year old son... I didn't know if I had a chance so I didn't really try and get back with her but instead I was just there for her... along the way me and junior had formed a bond... like as if I was his other parent.

Maybe I was connected to him more because he's family...

"I will let you guys talk and stuff, I'm going out to get some food to cook for dinner" I said

"Ou dinner!" Junior says

I smiled at him.

I grabbed Josette hands and led her to our room.

"What are you doing?" Josette asked

When I got to the room I closed the door.

"Okay so maybe I am a fool for kids but I still don't change my mind about not wanting them" I said

"Hope what are you saying?" She asked

"I want to be a family with you.... Minus all the kids stuff... maybe a dog or a cat... wait no... maybe a dog... seeing Justin happy makes me realize I want to be happy with the girl that I love and I just want you to know that you are my everything" I said

She smiled at me before pecking me on the lips... when she pulled back her smile turned into a confused look... she think put her lips on mine and pulled me closer.

I pulled back slowly.

"Josette, as much as I would love to do this but I still have a to go shopping for dinner tonight" I said

"Fine... fine" she says with a smile

Maya POV

Throwing up all afternoon and my stomache just aches.

I know I said I would keep the baby but this painful.

"How are you holding up princess?" Brittany asked me

I feel like I want to kill everything in my path.

"I'm doing fine for now" I said

"So, are you going to tell Landon about this?" Brittany asked

"I don't want anything to do with that man" I said

"You obviously do... you said you want the man in your baby life so I think maybe you do need to contact him" she says

She was right but I don't really want to talk to him right now... I need to think more about this before I jump to things and maybe Landon don't even want the baby... then that's a waste of time for telling him.

Lizzie POV

"I love you" amaia says as she pulled a string of hair behind my ear.

She smiled before pecking me on my lips, we pulled away slowly with both of our eyes closed.

"That was amazing my love" amaia says

"What was that for?" I asked with a smile before I pulled amaia close to me.

"Well, I wanted to kiss the best girlfriend in the world" amaia says

"What if I'm not the best girlfriend?" I asked

"But you are" amaia says

"What if I'm not... what if I'm going to make mistakes and that can cause me to lose you forever" I said

"Don't worry about mistakes... everyone makes them... plus I am so..... I'm so in love with you Elizabeth saltzman...  I don't think there's a single thing you can do to make me hate you" amaia says before she pulled me closer to her on her lap.

'But what if I kissed Mg... what if last night I kissed Mg and that could ruin us...but it's not like it mean anything...'I thought to myself

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