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Josie POV

Dinner time had came around and to my surprise this bitch was still here.

Not that I have anything against Andy but something seems off about her... the story isn't adding up.

"I just made all the food and I'm pretty exhausted" Hope says as she slide her arms around me.

"I can always make you feel better.." I said

"I know you can... but I'm going to go lay down I'll eat when I wake up" Hope says

I pecked her lips and she walked up the stairs..

Everyone else was getting their food and shit.

I walked over to 'Andy' and I looked at her a tad bit confused.

"What?" Andy asked

"Don't you think it's a bit a coincidence that Junior is related to Hope and Justin at the same time" I said

"I told you already.... Hope and justin are siblings" Andy says before putting junior down on the chair.

"That's what you told me... doesn't mean I have to believe it... you may have everyone hooked around your fingers but you don't have me... I know you are up to something... I just don't know what yet" I said as I crossed my arms

"I'm only here to let my son get his best life and to have his mom in his life" Andy says

"Mom? I thought you were already in his life" I said

"I meant dad... I want him to have his dad in his life... leave me alone" Andy says before she sat down next to junior and fed him.

I don't think it was no accident when Andy said what she said but I didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone.

"Josie I need to talk with you" Lizzie says

I sent my evil glare to Andy before I walked off.

Lizzie had took me to the gaming room and shut the door.

"What's up Lizzie?" I asked

"I need your help with amaia" she says

"Are you guys getting married already? I'm planning to be the bridesmaid if I'm not I will kill both of you" I said

"What? No... I don't think we are getting married any time soon" she says

I sat down on the couch.

"So what do you want to talk about? Did she cheat on you? I will go kick her ass" I said

"I'm the cheater" Lizzie says

"What?" I asked before jumping up

"I kissed Mg last night" Lizzie says

"You what?" I asked

"Oh you are so dead" I added

"I need your help on this... what should I do?" She asked

"You should tell amaia the truth" I said

"So if you cheated on Hope you would tell her the truth?" She asked

"I would never cheat on Hope... so I don't even know how to answer that" I said

"Wait... I just realized you admitted to dating Hope... since when was it official?" Lizzie asked

"Don't try and change the subject... and since earlier" I said

"Mhmm... that's why you were giving miss lying whore the side eye" Lizzie says

"You think she's lying too? I thought I was the only one" I said

"Nope, I definitely don't believe her..." Lizzie says

"Anyways... back to you and mg" I said

"There is no me and mg... I just want to be with amaia... is that too much to ask for?" She asked

"Maybe you should just be honest like I have been saying for the longest" I said

She paced around the room.

"What if I just be honest... maybe she will forgive me." Lizzie says

"Oh wow... how did you come up with that amazing idea?" I asked sarcastically.

"Shut up... I know what I need to do now... thanks for no help" she says before rolling her eyes

I wanted to slap the shit out of her but I know she would slap me back.

"OH MY GOSH" I heard maya say from down stairs.

"Oh shit... something's going on downstairs" Lizzie says

"I hope it's Andy.." I said

Lizzie smiled at me before we both ran down the stairs.

"I thought I told you I didn't ever want to see your face again." I said as I saw Landon now in the house

How are everyone finding out about this place...

"I came to see maya" he says

"I don't want to see you" maya says

"Why not?" He said

Justin stepped in front of Landon.

"I think you should go before I kick your ass" Justin says

"Are you really pregnant? Jack had texted me last night and told me... I thought he was lying" Landon says

"Yet you still came, this looks all too familiar" I said

"Shut up Josie" Landon says

"How about you shut up?" I asked

"What do you mean this looks familiar?" Maya asked

"Nothing... it's just something that happens too often with Landon... he's a baby feen" I said

"Shut the fuck up josie" Landon says

"Or what? You are going to kill me off of food poisoning or at least try again?" I asked

"I wasn't trying to kill you" Landon says

"Whatever" I said

I wasn't in the mood to talk about my past with Landon especially in front of everyone.

"I think you should leave" I heard Hope say as she walked down the stairs.

"I'm not leaving until I talk with Maya" Landon says

"It's okay hope, I got this" maya says

She walked over to Landon and then they went outside.

I felt bad for Maya.

Maybe I do need to tell them about my past with Landon and they can stop whatever is about to happen to the girl because Maya is going to go through hell if she's pregnant by Landon.

"What we're you talking about?" Brittany asked me

"Right now isn't the time to go through memory lane, especially with something like that" Lizzie says

"I'm not ready to talk about it" I said

"And you don't have to...everything isn't meant to be shared" Hope says before she walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

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