Forty- three

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Amaia POV

I woke up next to Lizzie and what she said about Mg had just came about to my mind.

I want to forget about it but it's hard considering the situation.

"You're up?" Lizzie said in her raspy voice.

It's so hot... like it's unbelievable

"Hey lizabeth..." I said with a smile

"So is this the new nickname? Because I don't like it" she says as sh rubbed her eyes

"Well then it's definitely your new nickname... I do want to tell you that we need to talk though" I said

"Talk? About what?" She says

"About you and mg" I said as I fidgeted with her fingers.

I don't know.. maybe I shouldn't have said that or maybe I shouldn't have brought it up but I have every right to feel this way considering I have been nothing but loyal to her.

"Sure, just can I get my morning hot chocolate first?" She asked

"I will go get it for you and you can get dressed or at least start to get dressed until I come back" I said

"Why is that?" She asked

"Because we have to go somewhere today" I said

"Where?" She asked

"How does meeting my moms for real this time sounds?" I asked with a smirk

She just smiled and went to the bathroom.

I wasn't going to break her heart but I did need to remind her who's boss... okay maybe she still runs the relationship but I should at least have some pants of the relationship.

Justin POV

When I woke up I saw junior was still sleep with his shirt off laying flat on his stomach.

He slept like a baby...

I had let him stay up with Jack watching tv and this room looks like a mess.

I need to go check up on maya and Ethan... I haven't seen Ethan since yesterday when he 'died'.

I also heard Mg and Alyssa fighting about how Mg kissed that hot chick Lizzie. It's so much drama that I can only take...

I decided to take this time to go get junior some breakfast before he wakes up.

I hope I don't fail this.. considering that I don't know the first thing about being a dad. I really am trying my best.

"Good thing you are up" jack says as he jumped up from his bed

"Why?" I asked

"I thought maybe I can ask you about taking junior to go somewhere fun and you guys can have some bonding time." He says

"What's the catch?" I asked

"No catch... just want my brother and nephew to have the best day of their lives and forget about yesterday" Jack says

"What got you in a good mood?" I asked

"Well if you may know dear brother... I got a date with Alyssa" he says

"Are you guys having a date in our room? And that's why you want me a mind junior to go out for the day?" I asked as I crossed my arms

"I don't know why you think so high of me... considering who I am o would have thought you would be use to it by now" he says as he grabbed his shirt

"Whatever... me and Brittany already made plans and we are finally going to have some friendly bonding time seeing as he barely know each other and we have 'knew' each other since 8th grade" I said

"Sounds more like a 'I might be crushing on Brittany Bennett, let me friend my way into some pussy' to me... it's okay big brother... I respect the game" he says as he put his shirt on his shoulder

"Don't ever say that again... especially around junior.." I said before walking out to get junior some breakfast

I don't like Brittany. I barely even know her know her if we are being honest..

"Hey jessy" I heard a familiar cute and adorable voice

"Pedro? Why are you here?" I asked

"Well my mommy is here because she's been calling my sister none stop... mommy is a bit worried if you ask me" he says

I smiled at him...

He reminds me of junior for some reason.

"Well, I think your sister is in her room" I said

"Thanks jessy, your the best" he says before giving me a high five.

Brittany POV

"What do you mean protect me dad?" I asked

"Well, I wanted to come here and let you know that I some how got back from the dead and i don't want anything to happen to my little girl so I made sure this was the first place to stop" he says

That warmed my heart a bit.

I was a bit mean to him considering he was the dead one.

"I missed you dad" I said before hugging him

It took him a minute but he hugged me back and patted my hair down.

"I missed you too gorgeous" he says before kissing my head.

I heard a knock at the door.

I pulled away from the hug and I went to open the door.

"Are you okay I have been calling you for ages?" My mom asked

"I'm fine mom.." I said

She just barged in and she saw my dad.

"Hello to my other favorite girl" my dad says with his cocky smirk..

I barely remember anything of my dad but I definitely remember his smirks.

"How are you?" I heard Pedro ask

"He's my dad p" I said

Pedro looked a bit mad I don't know why.

"Can we go now?" He asked as he crossed his arms

My mom was in awe to notice what Pedro was saying.

"What's going on?" Hope asked as she came to the door.

I looked from Hope to my mom and next thing I know is my mom and dad were hugging.

"My dads back" I whispered

Hope smiled before walking in the room.

"Welcome back mr. St. John" Hope says with a smile

"Is that little hopey?" He asked as he pulled apart from the hug.

Hope smile dropped. She honestly hated the name 'hopey'.

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