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Hope POV

I can't believe this shit... isn't Jack with Ethan? Doesn't maya and Brittany have something going on?

I know this isn't my business but this can effect the group so much that you don't understand.

"No. No. No" I said storming off

I was still soaking wet and I couldn't deal with this shit right now.

"HOPE!" Josette called after me.

I didn't even stop for her. I was so pissed that I didn't want her to see me like this... she will think I'm a psycho and that can ruin every chance with her that I have.

When I did get to my room it was a tad bit cold.

My werewolf side was on overdrive so I wasn't going to get sick... hopefully.

I took off my clothes and sat out my changing clothes.

By this time josette had just walked in.

"Hope-" she cut her self off, I guess she must have noticed I was naked "Hope, what are you doing?" She asked

"I'm changing my clothes, I had a long and wonderful day and I'm not going to let them mess it up" I said

"Hope..." she says again

"Yes josette?" I asked as I turned to face her.

I quickly looked away from her eyes because I was on the verge of tears. I can't let her see me cry.

"Are you okay?" She asked, she then shook her head. "Wait no, that's a dumb question... you obviously is not... I want to help you hope" she says

"There's nothing to help with" I said

I took my clothes and I went to the bathroom.

I heard her knock on the door.

I opened it of course.

"Hope, can we cuddle tonight?" She asked

I smiled a bit. Gosh! She always know how to cheer me up. I hate it.

"Sure" I said

She smiled and pulled me closer to her and captured my lips.

When we pulled apart I smiled so much that I was red as a tomato.

"Hurry up and Take that shower before I decide to join" she says

"Well then I might just take my time then jo" I said with a smirk

She bit her lip before kissing me again.

Maya POV

Oh my gosh. Jack kissed me... I kissed him back...

This is so bad. I thought I had feelings for Brittany... I can't like them both... that would ruin the whole group and so much drama that I don't need in my life right now.

I have a feeling that Hope is going to tell the group and I can't have her so that.

I need to talk to her first thing in the morning or hopefully Josie was able to convince her not to tell.

I need to tell Brittany myself... lying will not get me anywhere and it sure as hell won't get me with Brittany... especially seeing as she has been obsessed with Jack since before 2nd grade and she may be really pissed at me.

"This could never happen again" I said

"Agreed" he said before running off to his room direction.

Now to think about it... he kissed my brother.. and aren't they dating?

Oh no.

I'm in a lot of trouble over a deadly kiss.

Brittany POV

I looked all over for maya but I couldn't find her.

I even went to her room.

"Alyssa, have you seen maya?" I asked

"No, I haven't seen her since early" she says in a rather cheerful tone.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked

"Well, I may have just gotten a boyfriend" she says with a huge smile

I smiled.

I love seeing my friends happy.

Especially since they are so much like family to me.

I walked all around the school looking for her and I got really worried, that was until I saw maya walking from the lounge.

I stuck up behind her to give her a jump scare.

"Hey there" I said she jumped as I expected.

"h-hey how are you d-doing ?" She asked me

She seemed a bit shaky and I didn't know what it was but she seemed off.

"I was hoping that we can go on a date tomorrow and before you ask, yes the famous Brittany Bennett is asking you on a date tomorrow and don't make it sound so bad and cliche, I spent all my time building up the courage to ask you" I said

"I-I need to tell you something" she says with her cute but worried face.

"Anything" I said as I took her hands into mine.

"Jack kissed me" she said as she smiled sadly and nervously.

"He did what?" I asked as I still held her hands into mine

"And I kissed him back" she says with regret.

"You did what?" I asked as I dropped her hands out of mine.

"It didn't mean anything" she says

"And how am I supposed to feel about that? How am I supposed to know that is true?" I asked

"Because- because" she stuttered a bit, "because I'm in love with you and I always have been, I- I just couldn't tell you because I didn't know you were into girls... and that's no excuse not to tell you but I was scared and that stupid kiss meant nothing, I was only there to comfort him because aylssa kissed someone else and then he kissed me it was a one time thing and it will never happen again" she says as a tear left her eyes.

Did she- could she-... I must have not heard right.

"What?" I asked

"I love you Brittany and I know that you may not love me in the way I love you but just know that the kiss didn't mean anything and just give me a chance" she says as another tear left her eyes.

"Did you just say you loved me?" I asked as i wiped the tear from her face.

"Yes.. I did" she says as the corner of her lips formed a smile.

I bit my lip before I pulled her into a hug.

I didn't want to kiss her right now... I wanted it to be perfect and even though this might have been a right moment... it was so cliché.

"I love you too maya... more than you will ever know" I said

She then hugged me tightly.

Hope POV

After the shower... with jo.. We got dressed and we headed to bed...

No we didn't have sex again, but we both were tired so we thought that it would be a good idea to just shower at the same time.

I did enjoy the view of her body though.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her and there was kissing and especially the heated ones. Like I said no sex, but the kisses were awesome.

I told myself that I wouldn't kiss her or have sex with her until we were official but it was hard. She looked so fucking hot.

"Good night hope" she says

"Goodnight Josette" I said as she crawled into my side.

That night might have been the best of my life.... She slept peacefully and so did I.

College sweetheart: eternal loveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα