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Hope POV


I turned the corner and seen the incident.

"What the fuck are you still doing here?" I asked Landon

Josie tried to pull me back so I wouldn't do anything I would regret, or in Landon's case, so I wouldn't kill him.

"Let go of me jo" I said

She was too in awe at the fact that I called her jo to even care that I escaped her hold.

"I told you to leave" I said

"I got this Hope" Justin says

"You sure?" I asked

"Yeah" Justin says

"If you need help kicking his ass or if he tries anything to hurt you both... you let me know" I said to both Jack and Justin.

Jack smiled.

First time I have seen him smile in years.

"Come on princess, we have a date to get to" I said before putting Josie's hands in mines.

Landon ran up and pushed me.

I did fall to the ground because it was off guard.

I got up immediately and I was about to smack the shit out of him until josette got in front of me and I seen fear in his eyes.

I got in front of Josette to see what he was so scared of and Josette eyes were glowing.

"Josette?" I asked

She didn't say anything she just keep looking at Landon.

"I think we should go now" I said

Josette still wouldn't move.

I picked her up bridal style and carried for to the car.

When I put her down she broke out of the trance.

"What happened?" She asked

"I'll explain it over dinner" I said

I didn't have time to worry about Landon right now I need to find out what was going on with Josette and why should couldn't remember what just happened like 5 minutes ago.

When we did get to the place it was fancy, not quite what I had in mind for a date out with Josette.

"So, Josette, what do you want to know? Because I have some questions for you too" I said

"How long was I out for?" She asked

"You were in a trance for like 10 minuets, 15 at most" I said

"What happened?" She asked

"Landon had pushed me to the ground and before I could get up and fight back you got in front of me and your eyes started glowing" I said

"Could this have to do this the imprinting thing? Seeing as now we did have sex so that I might have opened up another level in this imprinting thing" she says

"Maybe, I don't know for sure but you went all badass protective girlfriend mood, even though you aren't my girlfriend you sure acted as it" I said

She looked down and played with her fingers.

"How is it?" She asked

I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"You know.. dealing with me.. and my mixed emotions" she says because she peeped my confusion.

"Well, I mean it's hard, and it's a challenge but I love a challenge" I said

"Mhmm" she says looking back up at me.

We fell into a comfortable silence until the waiter came to ask us what did we want to eat.

"I will have a salad if that's okay" I said

Josette had order something and I couldn't even pronounce the word, but it sounded delicious and like a lot.

"So, tell me about yourself, this is our first date so we have to learn about each other some how" Josette says

"First date? So there will be more?" I asked with a smirk as I nervously rubbed my hands on my knees.

"Well, it all depends on this date" she says with a smirk.

Gosh, I thought the mikaelson smirks were the best, it's either she's just fine as fuck or her smirk is the best thing that seeks to exist... maybe both... or maybe I just like everything she does.

"Well, I'm close with both of my parents, I got locked up about 2 times my whole life and I have never had a girlfriend before, well except in middle school but those don't count" I said

"You got locked up? My sister is right, I do have a taste" she says

"What?" I asked

"Nothing" she says

"So, what about you? And your life" I said

"Well, I have a twin sister as you may know, I'm not really that close with my dad as much as my mom... my dad is kind of a alcoholic and the only thing he cares about is, his car, his house, and liquor... there was a point in time where he cared about me and my sister the most in the world but after we left highschool he just stopped caring... well it was mostly in my senior year where he started acting like a piece of shit to me and my sister... like locking us out the house when we didn't come home at 3:15 on the dot- I'm sorry... I told you a sob story on our first date... I shouldn't have went there" she says

I know this was a sob story but I couldn't help but admire the way she curls her lip up into a straight like and then bites it.... It's honestly hot if you ask me.

"It's okay... and I'm sorry to hear that... no offense to your dad but he's a bitch if he could mistreat someone like you.." I say smiling softly at the Josette.

"Mhmm... we'll why haven't you ever dated someone before?" She asked

"Well, I had this serious thing going and then it turns out she had a boyfriend and she said that what we had was just a few hook ups for when she got mad at her boyfriend... I don't know the whole story and trust me I don't want to know" I said

"She's a dumbass" Josette says

"What?" I asked

"She's a dumbass for letting you go" she says

I smiled softly at her.

Soon the waitress came back with our food.

When I looked up at the waitress it was a different one, but yet a familiar face.

"Hope?" The 'waitress' asked

"Andy?" I asked

"You guys know each other?" Josette asked

"I will be back with your waters" Andy says as she walked away.

"That's my.... That's the girl I was just telling you about... the one that had a boyfriend and used me for hookups" I said as my eyes darted to Andy as she walked away.

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