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Hope POV

We were at the hospital and I couldn't wait to find out what was going on with Maya.

Landon ran away like a little bitch and I wasn't able to kill him in the free hand.

I can't believe that happened to her... I wanted to be there for her right now I asked the doctors about what's going on but they couldn't give us no answers.

"This is all my fault... I should have payed close attention to her" ethan says as he paced around the room

"No, if anything it's mine" Josette says

"It's no one's fault but Landon's... when I find him... I will kill him" I said

That's when the nurse came out to talk to us.

"Who are the family of maya machado?" The nurse asked

"That would be all of us" Ethan says

"Family, like blood type.." the nurse says

"Well then that would be my buddy Ethan here" I said

"Well Ethan can go in the room in about 10 minutes but I just want to let you know that she's safe and so is the baby" the nurse says

"Thank gosh" Ethan says

Josette was biting her finger nails.

I wonder what was going on in that beautiful mind of hers.

Maya POV

The night kept replaying in my mind.

"Get off of me!" I screamed

"Not until we fix you up princess" Landon says before slamming me to the bed

I tried not to think about it but every since I got my memories from that night it's like it's torturing me.

I heard the door open and I didn't turn around because I assumed it was a nurse.

"I'm not ready to see anyone yet... can I just rest?" I asked

"I don't think I can let you do that..." Landon says

I quickly sat up and tried to get away from him but I couldn't.

"How about we try that again" Landon says

"What do you want from me?" I asked

"I just want my child back" Landon says

"Your child? Fuck off... I'm not even bringing the child into the world seeing as you would be the father... they would want to kill themselves." I said

"Good thing I don't need you for it anymore" Landon says

I was confused... he walked over to me and put a needle in my lower back.

"What the fuck?" I asked

"It's not for you... it's for my child" he says

He then lifted me up by my collar and punch me in my stomach.

"Can't have people experimenting on my sperm cells, I have to go by" he says before dropping me on the floor.

I didn't do nothing but cry my eyes out.

I didn't stop crying at all...

What just happened? Why didn't I fight back?

It was like a urge in my body telling me to fight back but I couldn't no matter what I tried.

I couldn't do this anymore.. I just want to be normal again.. for once.

Josie POV

"I think we need to get in that room" I said

"What?" Hope asked

"Hope, when I was pregnant with Landon's kids he had got really possessed to make sure no one is near me.... I think... I think he's here" I said

"He would know better than to come here... why would he come here?" She asked

"Because... because I think we need those babies for a lot more than what we expected" I said

"Babies? Maya is having twins?" She asked

"No... but did it ever occur to you that why is junior a witch and Andy nor Justin is?" I asked

"How do you know junior is a witch?" Hope asked

"I siphoned from him... to see what type of supernatural he is... it's something my uncle Luke taught me" I said

"What are you saying then?" Hope asked

"Hope... I don't think that it's destiny that brought us to this school to find each other... I think it was Andy and Landon" I said

"What?" Hope looked at me as if I was crazy

"Think about it.... Who made you come here in the first place?" I asked

"Andy.." Hope says

"Exactly and me and Landon applied for these schools before we broke up" I said

"Why would Landon get mad and say he wanted you back?" She asked

"Just so that the act can pay off... when I got my memory back I realized something" I said

"What?" She asked

"I realize when I saw junior earlier I had remembered him... but it wasn't from that photo... Hope... what I'm about to say will sound crazy but you have to believe me on this one" I said

She nodded before I sighed.

"Hope... I think Landon has a tribe of kids and he's using them to collect all their power.. all reducing from you" I said

"Why would he need to do something like that?" She asked

"I don't know... but if he's planning to do something that I think is about to happen then we must get in there with maya to make sure she is safe" I said

"Ethan..." Hope says

"Yes hope?" He asked

"I need you to get into that room and make sure your sister is safe" I said

"I was planning on it" he says before walking off.

That's when everything clicked.

I looked at Ethan's eyes... they were the same as hopes... not the same color but it was like a instinct.

That was the puzzle to everything.

I know what he is planning and boy is he fucked up for it.

"Hope... the babies are mortified" I said

"What?" She asked

"What if I told you that each and everyone of you had a child that you didn't know about... and they died in a after life and been recarnated. Hope junior isn't 3.... I think he's 16..." I said

"But that wouldn't make any sense jo" Hope says

"It does if they have been planning this sick game for years... they aren't your physical child but they are in fact replicas. They are creating kids with each of the 8 blood in it... so when Andy said that junior was related to you she meant every baby that they were able to fully do the spell on" I said

I'm smart as hell...

"Landon is going to kill us all and save the power for himself... Maya baby is the only way to fully activate the curse" Hope says

"How do you know about this?" I asked hope

"Because I dreamt this... and I know the ending" she says

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