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Josie POV

I felt bad for telling that to Hope, I think I do like Hope the problem is I don't want to get hurt or I don't want to be hurt.

When Hope left out I heard her and her friends walk away from the door.

That was the best sex of my life and gosh was she so good, but life isn't all about sex and everything.

I need to talk with my sister.. maybe she can help me figure out all of these feelings.

When I got dressed I looked over at my bed and it was a mess...

I couldn't quite clean it up because I had to watch my sheets... they were wet of course.

When I finally looked my phone I had gotten a couple of messages.

[lizzie:] where the fuck are you?
[lizzie:} I just had sex with amaia mikaeson again... it was a quickie help...
[lizzie:] bro! Answer your fucking phone!
[mom:] parent day is next week. I will be there along with your father.

They want to text me when I'm busy.

I looked at the time, my 3rd class starts in 2 minutes and it's all the way across the hall.

"Shit." I said

I ran as fast as I can leaving only 1 minute left and I had arrived when there was 30 seconds left.

"You seem to be out of breath" a familiar voice says as I sat down in a random seat.

"You're finch right?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm glad you remembered.. what's your name?" She asked

"Well, it's Josette, but my friends and family call me josie" I said

"Mhmm... so why is your hair all messy?" She asked

"Well, it's because I had just woke up.... From a nap" I said

"Mhmm, so you skipped your second class?" Finch asked

"Yeah, but don't get me wrong, it was the best sleep of my life" I said

She nodded. I don't know if she believed it by her face expressions but it wasn't really her business.. I don't know why I'm even telling her this.

Hope had walked in and she looked pissed. She saw that finch was next to me.

Yet, she didn't do anything about it. She just took a seat next to some girl that I have never seen before

"Hello class, I'm your teacher, you can call me Mr. Lockwood." He says

He was a family friend yet I didn't know him like my family does... well, like my mom does.

"Today we are going to start a topic on what do we think about relationships?" He asked

Great... the one thing I don't want to talk about.

Hope POV

"When did you get back?" I asked

"Well, I got back yesterday and decided to come to school early for the first time in my life" Alyssa says

"Mhm" I said

"So what's up with maya and Brittany? They seem awfully close, are they dating or something?" Alyssa asked

"No, they aren't dating, I wish they would just date already but they aren't really dating I guess" I said

"So where are they now?" Alyssa asked

Maya had just walked in, and she looked like a gay mess.

"Well Brittany doesn't have this class with us, she has a class with Jack, Justin and Ethan" I said

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