Chapter 8 - Challenge Time

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As Bessy and I was talking we got a phone call from Sal. "Hi, Can u and Courtney meet us at the food court we are just about to film Joes challenge but we think you have help us.
When we get to the food court Joe is walking around. "The challenge is to Kiss a girl aka someone we hired for Joes one, but we want you to go and sit next to her before Joe has to Kiss her." Sal said to Bessy. "Okay."

"Okay, so Joe you have to Kiss the girl in purple." Said Sal. "What, the hot girl in purple." Said Joe. "How did you just describe her." Said Q. "I said the hot girl in purple, there's only one hot girl in purple." Said Joe. Sal starts moving he's hand towards him (meaning for Bessy to come to him). "I think she's very hot Joe." Said Bessy. "You sonss of......" Said Joe. "We invited your wife." Said Murr. "I think I know the sound of my own wife's voice Murr." Said Joe. "Can you now go and sit next to her." Said Q "Yh of course." Said Bessy. Bessy made her way over to the girl in purple. "Hey gorgeous, I was only joking honey, she ugly." Said Joe.
Joe went and sat with the girl in purple and Bessy. "Joe go kiss the girl in purple." Sal said laughing. "Honey, you know this is a game, it's just a quick smooch." Said Joe. Joes face went bright red. "You can kiss her if you want to sleep on the couch tonight." Said Bessy. "Oh my god I've never seen joe this red before, it looks like your head going to explode." Said Murr. "I really don't want to lose on this one." Said Joe. "Your gunna lose even bigger tonight." Said Bessy. "Hear come the plane for landing." Said Joe. He goes to kiss the girl in purple, but then dose and last minute switch to go kiss Bessy. "I can't do it, I can't do it." Said Joe. Sal and the guys was laughing. "Fuck you guys." Said Joe.

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