2 - Goodmorning! - GEORGE DAVIDSON

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"Tommy, you're an idiot." I scoff into the phone, hearing my brother yell back at me. Though he is an idiot, I love him, and miss him.

He's my brother though, right? So why do I miss him?

Well, 'alpha rat', as Tommy calls him (and I agree with!), Clay Wakes, quite literally ran him out of town. He bullied my brother so bad, my parents had no other choice than to put him in a boarding school.

'Exile' is what we call it, and it sucks. Because while Tommy has to suffer three hours away, Dream gets praised and the gift of popularity or whatever the fuck.

If you ask me, though, I'm perfectly fine with being a shadow.

It doesn't stop me from hating Dream, hell, he bullies the people in my club! Call me a nerd or whatever, but I'm in video club, the club where we make shitty cinematography and help with plays. We're all nerds.

"George? You there? Having another inter-monologue, hmm?" Tommy asks me, breaking me out of my literal inner monologue. I scoff.

     "You mean inner monologue?" I say in a somewhat teasing tone. Although Tommy acts stupid, and I call him stupid, and he comes off stupid, I know he's actually very smart.

     Something I'd never admit outloud.

     "Yeah yeah, whatever. Did you hear that alpha rat humpty-dumpty-fucking-dooed himself?" Tommy said suddenly, to which gets me.. intrigued.

     "What? No, what the fuck does that mean?" I ask with a laugh. Sometimes, when Tommy talks, his.. analogies are so obscure that I homestly don't even know what he's hinting at.

     "He fell out of a tree or something and broke his arm. He went into a four day coma, pretty crazy, right?" I can't help it. I outright laugh at that, this is basically confirmation that karma exists!

     "Talk about karma," I say, "probably for when he gave me those barf jellybeans and told me it was banana. I probably shouldn't have taken it, though. I guess my fault."

     That was a true story, it was disgusting. He's horrible! I swear, he won't stop for shit, he doesn't even know how to be a decent human being.

     I'd go as far to say that he doesn't have a heart.

     It's pitch black in his cage.

     "Yeah. I think that something for what he did to me would be tenfold. Seriously, can you believe he had the audacity to fucking-- ugh." Oh, yeah. That's right.

     Clay "Dream" Wakes ruined my brother's life by placing firecrackers in the piano he was using during an open house. Thats where it crossed the line, him and his friends now have community service time-- which in my opinion isn't enough due to the fact they're the reason my brother is in exile.

     "You know what I think?" I say, my voice rising slightly with my anger, "he should be in exile. It's so shit that you have to pay for the shit he does."

     "Oh my god, Gogs, you have no clue." Tommy sighs on the other side of the line. "Hold on.." Tommy says, grunting, then muting. I glance up to the time, noticing the fact that it was 10 PM. Tommy's lights out time.

     "Hey, George, I gotta go." Tommy says with a sigh. I hum in response, feeling slightly tired as well. "Night. Love you."

     "Night Toms, love 'ya." I say before hanging up. As the line goes dead, I'm left in my own silent darkness. My bed feels cold, and I feel lonely. Maybe I'm just being dramatic, maybe I'm just being a little junior high kid, but ever since Tommy left.

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