12 - Lucid Dreaming. - GEORGE DAVIDSON

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Winter break blew over way too fast.

Christmas was fun, it was so fun, I got to hang out with Quackity and Karl on Christmas just like good old times, I really missed them. It was just like when we were younger, running around and playing video games, it was fun.

New Year's Eve we had a party and stayed up all night. I vaguely remember it, though. What went from a cup of punch turned into about six cups of spiked punch, which, I didn't even know was spiked. I do remember having a weird lucid dream, someone vivid in the moment, but in all honesty everything from that night has faded like a dream.

But anyways, mom got me this baby blue knitted sweater with white little clouds on it, and it's really nice. I like it, so I wore it to school today.

What I wasn't expecting, was how damn scratchy it was.

"George!" Karl's approaching me, three of the biggest rats that I've ever seen by his side. I shut my locker and roll my eyes, beginning to walk away. "Wait!"

Reluctantly, I turn around, stopping and looking at him. Karl runs up to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I do everything in my power not to shove his hand off, instead I just sigh. "What, Karl?"

"Look, hear me out. They're not that bad— well— that sounds bad, but! Please don't be mad. They're my friends." He sounds like he's begging at this point and it kind of pisses me off. I scoff at his words.

"It's fine." Is all I say. The way I see it is that he's chosen them over me. If that's what he wants then that's fine. I turn around, going to walk away, when two arms wrap around me.

"I still love you, George, you're still my best friend, idiot." I huff, pushing him off of me and turning to look at him. Sapnap and Dream are now behind him, but Dream looks tired— and pissed. I don't want to talk to him.

"Look. I'm not mad at you. I'm just.. disappointed.." okay, I couldn't not say it.. "no, kidding, kidding. I'm not mad at you. I'm just.. err.. tired."

"Don't be an asshole." Sapnap says, glaring at me. Stupid dickhead, he's so annoying! He walks around like he owns the place, and it takes everything in my not to slap him across the face.

"Yeah, well, I've said that to you before, and you obviously didn't take that to heart." I mumble, shooting Sapnap a snobby glare back. He looks pissed at that one.

"Do you want to fight me, twerp?" Sapnap throws out, venom on his tongue. I laugh out once, crossing my arms and putting my weight on my left foot, my hip sticking out almost sassily.

"Twerp? Me? I'm like, a foot taller than you." I say with a smirk, knowing I'm right. Or.. kind of right at least. Maybe not a foot taller, but I'm like.. taller. For sure I'm taller but— I'm taller than him.

"Well.." Karl says slowly, looking between Sapnap and me. I scoff, my jaw opening in complete shock. The audacity of this fucker! He's taller than both of us too!

"Shut up, Karl. You know I'm taller! I'll fight you, kid!" Sapnap says, stepping towards me then stopping, looking back at Dream. "Why aren't you holding me back, asshole!"

"Fight him. I don't care." Is all he says, looking challengingly at Sapnap. He's so annoying, I just wanna wipe his stupid face off of his face. I hate him and I hope that every Friday after school he gets stuck in traffic. I hope he wakes up an hour before his alarm every morning. I hope he goes to make cereal, pour the cereal in the bowl then realize there's no milk. I hope he eats something super salty and not have water by him. I hate him.

"Why is he being emo?" Karl asks quietly, looking at Sapnap. "He's kind of ruining the vibe." I scoff stop his wording. Ruining the vibe, he sounds like such a dork. Well— we're all dorks.

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