10 - Schools Out! - CLAY WAKES

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Warning, f slur is used in a derogatory way in this chap. Don't worry I'm very gay

I haven't spoken to George since the roller rink incident.

     I've seen him around school, and I've spoken to Karl a lot, Quackity some, but not George.

     But, good news, me, Karl and Sapnap have been hanging out more! Of course, I still hang out with Punz and Sapnap, but I think Karl and Sapnap are beginning to hang out together, just them two.

     "Punz," I whine, laying on the football field, just me and him. "I think Sapnap ditched us to hang out with his other half."

     "Oh my god, you've got to be kidding me. He was literally the one who was mad at you for talking to Karl, now he's ditching us for him." Punz groans. "Is Sapnap gay?"

     "I dunno man. Katie Nelson rejected him and Karl made her cry— did I tell you about that?" I say, sitting up. Punz is throwing a football up in the air over and over again, and he shakes his head. "Oh, really? Sapnap basically like— said something to her, then she was like oh I only talked to you because of Dream! He's so handsome, and funny, and charismatic, and strong! And Sapnap was like sad, and then Karl was like Dream doesn't like you, you fucking idiot, dumbass hoe, go get herpes from Zach again." My voice dipped deeper for Karl, and higher for Katie. It was a little dramatic.

     "That's totally believable. Well— actually, she did always seem to like, act.. I dunno.. kind of pick me around you." Punz says slowly, holding the football for a second. "She's such a whore."

     "Dude, I know, right? I fucking hate her for it. Nobody talks to my friends like that, she was probably so fucking proud of herself too, with her dumb little squirrel brain. She's such a fucking bitch." I hiss out.

     "Hey guys." It's Sapnap, stoic as ever, and to nobody's surprise, Karl following behind him. Karl is smiling so wide, he looks like his face just might break at any moment. Sapnap's face is stoic as per usual, but he doesn't look mad. It's kind of better.

Karl flops beside me, letting the biggest sigh out. Sapnap and Punz are playing catch now an bickering, but Karl's just laying on the cool, dead grass. It's cold outside, very cold, hence the heavy sweaters and jackets we're all wearing.

"You look happy." I say. He scoffs, obviously he's over the moon. I lay back next to him, looking at the night sky. It's only like six PM, but it's like pitch black.

"Yeah." He says softly. "I am happy."

He doesn't have to tell me anything. I think I have a vague image of what happened. Snow is falling lightly on my face, and I sigh. I've gotten to know the people that surround me, and I feel an odd feeling of relief.

I think things can only get better from here.

     "Is it snowing?" Punz says, tossing the football to Sapnap, who catches it easily, replying quickly.

     "Yeah moron, you just noticed?" Sapnap quipped snarkily, tossing the ball back to Punz. The moron rolls his eyes at Sapnap's sassiness, something that we've all become acquainted with. I think things are changing and people are changing with it. Sapnap's almost softer now, nicer. "His brain is rotted from all the porn he watches."

     Well, maybe not nicer.

     "Ew, Nick. Don't be gross." Karl says, scrunching his nose in disgust. I laugh a little at them, but Sapnap just scoffs.

     I yawn, stretching my arms back, lifting my heavy hoodie a little bit. I turn over to my side, curling up a little. "I'm so tired, and football is over, and no sports.." I whine.

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