8 - Second Opinion. - GEORGE DAVIDSON

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A yawn escapes my mouth.

The door slams open on my accord.

My eyes droop.

And my friends stop behind me.

"George, Alex, Karl! You're late." My teacher says, and I grunt. Obviously I'm damn late, I'd hope I'm able to read a clock. I sigh, though. I'm a good kid, which means I'm too scared to talk back to my teacher.

"Yes, sorry." I say, letting the door fall shut, Quackity and Karl behind me. "I'm sorry." My teacher looks a little pissed, a little disappointed. I'm never late, unless I'm puking my guts out in the bathroom or something.

"Okay, can I have your passes?" She asks, my teacher does. I pull my chair out and sat down. I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"I uh.. We don't have passes." I say, breathy. My teacher doesn't speak for a moment, it makes me anxious.

"Okay, tardy." She says snarkily, then continues math class. I silently sit at my spot, my bag falling to the floor near my feet. The lesson goes by smoothly— or— as smoothly as it can with Punz, Sapnap and Dream all in the same class,

     The assignments and handed out, and we're all sent off to work in silence by ourselves. I've always hated maths, it's easy to understand but I just don't bother so I end up not having the best grades in this class.

I'm in the middle of working a problem out before it dawns on me the I have no clue what I'm doing. I sit in silence for a moment before I just drop my pencil on my paper and lean back, crossing my arms.

"Pemdas, idiot." A quiet voice behind me says. It startled me out of my little zone out sesh, and I turn around, seeing Dream, annoyingly already done with his paper. His cheek rests lackadaisically on his fists, looking at me like speaking to me is normal. I scoff.

"Excuse me?" I whisper a little bit too loud. I see someone's head turns towards me, but it doesn't matter. Dream calling me an idiot like we're friends doesn't really fly.

"Multiply four by everything in the parentheses." Dream say's, his voice matching mine. He reaches over and points his stupid pencil that he probably 'borrowed' from someone at the problem.

Oh, that's what I was missing.

"I was getting there, asshole." I'm barely whispering at this point, just practically insults hissing at Dream. He makes my blood pressure rise like no one else, especially with the face that he has the audacity to speak to me right now.

"George, please stop talking." My teacher pipes up from the corner. My face is turning red, damnit. I can't stand teachers and their love for embarrassing students, I swear, me whispering to someone isn't gonna make everyone in the class fail.

     Dream seems to take the hint, though. If not from the me, then at least from the teacher. I semi-struggle through the question, I just wish someone could help me with math— or at least make me learn it. God knows I won't do it myself.

     A few minutes pass and there's a beeping coming from the speakers in the room, letting everyone know that they can now move around the room and whatnot, talk to people and stuff. Almost immediately, Karl and Quackity have pulled up chairs to my desk, making small chat with eachother.

     And.. so have Punz and Sapnap. They're loud behind me, loudly conversing with Dream— who doesn't really put much into his responses. I'm kind of just looking at my paper and listening to the conversation going on behind me.

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