6 - Xanax and Adderall.- CLAY WAKES

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Whoever created my conciousness and decided for me to get amnesia is a bigot.

Last night, I learned that I am an asshole.

Was? Am? I still don't fucking know.

George, or brunette boy as I've come to know him, hates my guts! For a good reason, I learn. Briefly after our encounter at Karl's house, he stormed out dramatically, the beanie guy-- Quackity-- following shortly behind him. Confused, I asked why he hated me.

That's when the shitload all came down on me. He explained everything, that he bullied him, that George has a brother that I bullied, that I was so terribly mean he had to transfer to a boarding school.

Yeah. That's pretty fucked up if you asked me.

So today I haven't really been visiting with Punz or Sapnap.. Or the football team. They're all bigots, I'd know it first hand- probably. School is way better by myself, honestly. I zone out most of the time, watch my hands shake, think about being somewhere more relaxing.

Fifth period hit me like a damn bus. It was right after lunch- where I hid out in a bathroom away from Sapnap and Punz- so my brain was extremely slow. Even worse, I hated this teacher.

He always passed subtle racist or homophobic comments, like what do you care who dates who or what someones skin tone is? All in all, this man is a bigot- worse than whoever created my conciousness.

Speaking of bigots, I slink down in my seat as Sapnap throws his stuff in the seat next to mine. He sits down, slinking into his usual hottible posture, making me cringe. "Hi Dream."

"Gods. Hi." I say, looking away from him. He scoffs.

"What's with the sass?" He sneers, crossing his arms. I sigh, sitting up straight, hearing my back pop. Jesus. I don't know what to say, I think for a moment.

"Am I supposed to be happy at school?" I grumble, looking away from him. He laughs, rich and taunting. Isn't he supposed to be my friend?

"I heard you were hanging out with the video nerds again. With who.. who was it.. Jacobs? Did he dress you up like a fairy or some shit? How was it?" Sapnap joked. It was hardly a joke, not really funny, honestly. pSapnap and Punz are cruel. I should have guessed, because Karl Jacobs is truly a kind boy, he doesn't deserve the cruel words from those idiots.

"Tu es vraiment énervant.." I say under my breath. He looks at me, shocked. I hadn't told him I speak french, I realize. "Don't--.."

"You speak french? What'd you just say? That I'm awesome and cool and super duper.. handsome?" I laugh at that, honestly. It was kind of funny, and he had a big goofy grin on his face. It made me forget how brash and tude he was, all in all he's my friend.. I think.

"Nothing of your concern." I say, a grin tight on my face. The bell rings, causing mister shithead to stand, his hands crashing against his desk. The class goes silent, seeing the teacher move to the chalkboards as if he were in a fit of rage, I stare silently as well.

"Why don't we start today off with a bit of a debate, huh? Whether or not we should allow companies, our producers, to be able to have their religious beliefs and not serve homos, because I have come to find out that across the staff board, we have a little LGBTQ+ teacher! How great!" Our history teacher hisses, leaning over a little podium in front of his chalk boards. Are.. you kidding..?

"Maybe your.. or.. their religious beliefs are wrong." Some kid says. Okay, yeah. Get his ass, I guess.

"Or maybe it shouldn't matter what their beliefs are.." A girl says, a bit more quiet. The teacher scoffs, he looks down.

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