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Dream has amnesia.

My best friend of 8 years.. has amnesia.

He can't remember me.

Thats so bullshit! Right? No way a little bit of head boggling is gonna make him forget everything he ever knew! Fuck, he even defended Alex Quackity, nerd central!

It's been eating at me, he plays football, no way he got amnesia after this. I can't believe it, I've lost my best friend to a bunch of nerds. It's even worse, he treats us the same way we treat anybody besides us.

It's honestly worse than that, since we got community service from that dumb piano stunt we pulled-- which, in my humble opinion, wasn't that bad-- he's voluntarily coming! Besides, when me and Punz try to do anything out of line, Dream gets all snappy, like he's one of the damn old people.

"Sapnap," Dream hisses at me, grabbing my wrist. I scrunch my face up in confusion, humming through three oreos in my mouth. "The fuck are you doing? Fatass, you're not supposed to eat on the fucking job, idiot."

"Cool it mall cop," Punz says, flicking Dream's hand and popping an oreo in his mouth, "have one."

"Do you morons not eat at home? Christ, these old bats only get this shit." Dream says, shooting a glare at Punz. He only rolls his eyes, as he should.

"Why did you only come here to be miserable? C'mon, Dream, let loose a bit." My words are true, but he doesn't loosen up. It's annoying, honestly, since when was he a damn saint? He's been so condescending as of lately, acting like he's better than us, nicer than us, it's so dumb. I hardly recognize him.

Punz on the other hand, is a lot more hung up on Dream. It's almost like he's in denial that Dream's changing, and that he's sucking more now. Sure, he can't remember anything, but does that really change who he is as a person?

     "Sapnap, c'mon," Punz's voice breaks me out of my little zone out sesh, making me snap my head up. Dream was already walking away with the snack cart, wheeling it into the cafeteria.

     "Right." I nod, walking by Punz's side, both of us slacking behind Dream. Things are changing, and I'm not ready for change. Maybe it's the fact that I'm losing my best friend to a freak accidentl and I have to watch everyone around us hate him as well, it's not the same. It's hurting me.


     "Did you hear Dream's arm is un-broken or whatever thr fuck?" Punz says to me one night. The two of us were chilling in my room, playing video games and eating whatever scraps of snacks that we can find around my house. Typically Dream would be here with us, but was in the hospital tonight for some dumb check-up.

     "Really? Is he cleared for football?" I ask immediately. Punz shrugs, turning his phone off and grabbing his controller. We were playing on our Minecraft server that we have had for.. jeez, a while now.

"No, I guess not. He said he didn't feel like it." What? He didn't feel like it? Are you kidding? Football is his- or, was his life. His whole relationship with his dad was based off of his football career, and he's our best player!

"Damn." It's all I can say, completely out of disbelief. I honestly can't believe it, he.. doesn't feel like it. It's a punch in the gut for me, especially the fact that Punz isn't too phased.

"Yeah. I'm not that surprised, honestly. With that whole amnesia thing--"

"Amnesia bullshiy," I say for him.

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